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From Latin gubernaculum. Cognate with French gouvernail.





gobernallo m (plural gobernallos)

  1. (archaic) steering-oar, rudder, helm
    Synonyms: leme, temón
    • 1370, R. Lorenzo, editor, Crónica troiana. Introducción e texto, A Coruña: Fundación Barrié, page 723:
      Conta a estoria que Pirio Neutóllamos, desque escapou da gram tormenta do mar et perdeu moytas das suas cõpañas, cõmo de suso oýstes, (et) fezo adubar suas naues en hũ lugar que chamã Amolese, que muyto lles era mester, ca nõ lles auía ficado naue sãa: as hũas auíã quebrantadas as áncoras, et as outras as uellas et os gouernallos, et as outras os rremos, et as outras os bordos en derredor
      The story tells that Pyrrhus Neoptolemus, because he has escaped the great storm of the sea and lost many of his troops, as you have already heard, ordered to repair his ships in a place called Amolese, because they really were in need of it, because they had not a single ship that were sound: ones had broken their anchors, others the sails and the helms, others the oars, and another ones the boards all around

