In this article spherical functions are replaced by polynomials that have been well known in electrostatics since the time of Maxwell and associated with multipole moments.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8] In physics, dipole and quadrupole moments typically appear because fundamental concepts of physics are associated precisely with them.[9][10]
Dipole and quadrupole moments are:
where is density of charges (or other quantity).
Octupole moment
is used rather seldom. As a rule, high-rank moments are calculated with the help of spherical functions.
Spherical functions are convenient in scattering problems. Polynomials are preferable in calculations with differential operators. Here, properties of tensors, including high-rank moments as well, are considered to repeat basically features of solid spherical functions but having their own specifics.
Using of invariant polynomial tensors in Cartesian coordinates, as shown in a number of recent studies, is preferable and simplifies the fundamental scheme of calculations
The spherical coordinates are not involved here. The rules for using harmonic symmetric tensors are demonstrated that directly follow from their properties. These rules are
naturally reflected in the theory of special functions, but are not always obvious, even though the group properties are general
At any rate, let us recall the main property of harmonic tensors: the trace over any pair of indices vanishes
Here, those properties of tensors are selected that not only make analytic calculations more compact and reduce 'the number of factorials' but also allow correctly formulating some fundamental questions of the theoretical physics[9]
The multipole potentials arise when the potential of a point charge is expanded in powers of coordinates of the radius vector ('Maxwell poles')
.[4][1] For potential
there is well known formula:
where the following notation is used. For the th tensor power of the radius vector
and for a symmetric harmonic tensor of rank ,
The tensor is a homogeneous harmonic polynomial with described the general properties. Contraction over any two indices (when the two gradients become the operator) is null. If tensor is divided by , then a multipole harmonic tensor arises
which is also a homogeneous harmonic function with homogeneity degree .
From the formula for potential follows that
which allows to construct a ladder operator.
Theorem on power-law equivalent moments in electrostatics
that give rise to a theorem simplifying essentially the calculation of moments in theoretical physics.
Let be a distribution of charge. When calculating a multipole potential,
power-law moments can be used instead of harmonic tensors (or instead of spherical functions ):
It is an advantage in comparing with using of spherical functions.
Example 1.
For the quadrupole moment, instead of the integral
one can use 'short' integral
Moments are different but potentials are equal each other.
Formula for the tensor was considered in [11][12] using a ladder operator.
It can be derived using the Laplace operator.[14] Similar approach is known in the theory of special functions.[15] The first term in the formula, as is easy
to see from expansion of a point charge potential, is equal to
The remaining terms can be obtained by repeatedly applying the Laplace operator and
multiplying by an even power of the modulus . The coefficients are easy to determine by substituting expansion in the Laplace equation . As a result, formula is following:
The last quality can be verified using the contraction with . It is convenient
to write the differentiation formula in terms of the symmetrization operation.
A symbol for it was proposed in,[12] with the help of sum taken over all independent
permutations of indices:
As a result, the following formula is obtained:
where the symbol is used for a tensor power of the Kronecker symbol and conventional symbol [..] is used for the two subscripts that are being changed under symmetrization.
Following [11] one can find the relation between the tensor and solid spherical functions. Two unit vectors are needed: vector directed along the -axis and complex vector .
Contraction with their powers gives the required relation
In perturbation theory, it is necessary to expand the source in terms of spherical functions. If the source is a polynomial, for example, when calculating the Stark effect, then the integrals are standard, but cumbersome. When calculating with the help of invariant tensors, the expansion coefficients are simplified, and there is then no need to integrals. It suffices, as shown in,[14] to calculate contractions that lower the rank of the tensors under consideration.
Instead of integrals, the operation of calculating the trace
of a tensor over two indices is used. The following rank reduction formula is useful:
where symbol [m] denotes all left (l-2) indices.
If the brackets contain several factors with the Kronecker delta, the following relation formula
Calculating the trace reduces the number of the Kronecker symbols by one, and the rank of the harmonic tensor on the right-hand side of the equation decreases by two. Repeating the calculation of the trace k times eliminates all the Kronecker symbols:
The Laplace equation in four-dimensional 4D space has its own specifics. The potential of a point charge in 4D space is equal to
.[17] From the expansion of the point-charge potential with respect to powers the multipole 4D potential arises:
The harmonic tensor in the numinator has a structure similar to 3D harmonic tensor. Its contraction with respect to any two indices must vanish. The dipole and quadruple 4-D tensors, as follows from here, are expressed as
The leading term of the expansion, as can be seen, is equal to
The method described for 3D tensor, gives relations
Four-dimensional tensors are structurally simpler than 3D tensors.
Decomposition of polynomials in terms of harmonic functions
Applying the contraction rules allows decomposing the tensor with respect to the harmonic ones.
In the perturbation theory, even the third approximation often considered good. Here, the decomposition of the tensor power up to the rank l=6 is presented:
, ,
, ,
, ,
, ,
, :.
To derive the formulas, it is useful to calculate the contraction with respect two indices, i.e., the trace. The formula for then implies the formula for . Applying the trace, there is convenient to use rules of previous section. Particular, the last term of the relations for even values of has the form
Also useful is the frequently occurring contraction over all indices,
Ladder operators are useful for representing eigen functions in a compact form.
They are a basis for constructing coherent states
.[21] Operators considered here, in mani respects close to the 'creation' and 'annihilation' operators of an oscillator.
Efimov's operator that increases the value of rank by one was introduced in
.[11] It can be obtained from expansion of point-charge potential:
Straightforward differentiation on the left-hand side of the equation yields a vector operator acting on a harmonic tensor:
where operator
multiplies homogeneous polynomial by degree of homogeneity .
In particular,
As a result of an - fold application to unity, the harmonic tensor arises:
has largely similar properties. The main formula for it is
where is a 4D vector, ,
and the operator multiplies a homogeneous polynomial by its degree. Separating the variable is convenient for physical problems:
In particular,
The scalar product of the ladder operator and is as simple as in 3D space:
The scalar product of and is
The ladder operator is now associated with the angular momentum operator and additional operator of rotations in 4D space .[18] They perform Lie algebra as the angular momentum and the Laplace-Runge-Lenz operators.
Operator has the simple form
Separately for the 3D -component and the forth coordinate
of the raising operator, formulas are
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