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Advanced Onion Router
HTTP server
Alternative router to the official Tor bundle for Windows.
Basilisk 2025.02.22
Secure web-surfing utility
Enhanced privacy and security for browsing the web on Windows.
CyberGhost VPN
VPN service provider
Virtual private network that protects online privacy.
Email client
Email management app with message templates, spam filtering.
qBittorrent Portable 5.0.4
Torrent client
Software used to download and manage torrent files, allowing users to share and distribute large files over the Internet.
IMVU Desktop 548.24 Classic
3D avatar chat
Virtual world app where create own avatar, chat with friends.
WinSCP 6.3.7
File transfer
Program for securely transferring files between remote.
WinSCP Portable 6.3.7
Portable file transfer
Enables users to securely transfer files between remote servers.
Browser VPN extension
Encrypts Internet traffic and changes the IP address, allowing users to browse the web anonymously.
Anonymous filesharing utility
Decentralized network that prioritizes user privacy.
Xftp Free 8.0.0066
File transfer
File transfer software that supports secure FTP protocols.
Softros LAN Messenger 12.4.1
LAN messaging
Software tool for sending instant messages, files.
Live video chat
Platform for real-time video communication and socializing with global users with chat rooms.
CCleaner Browser 132.0
Fast and secure web browser
Browsing experience with added privacy and performance features.
I2P 2.8.0
Anonymous network
Access the Internet anonymously and securely.