Hello fellow Wikipedians! I have returned after departing for, oh say, 2 years. I will not be an avid editor, as I have in the "old" days, but I will make the occasional edit. I am not an expert on advanced editing or knowing codes or whatever you might call them, so if you have a question, please direct them to one with more experience. Thank you and happy editing!
This user is a member of WikiProject Wikify. There is currently a massive backlog of articles (27,628 articles) that need to be wikified, and we need your help! If you have a spare moment, please visit the project page and wikify an article, or tell your friends about the WikiProject. |
The Super Hidden Barnstar | |
This user has found Penubag 's secret hidden sub page! Can you find it? Version: 2 |
editThis user is a member of the Welcoming Committee. |
vn-10 | This user page has been vandalized 10 times. |
This user scored 3363 on the Wikipediholic test (revision 173386631). |