| It is approximately 4:39 PM where this user lives. |
| This user proudly lives in Cary. |
| This user is of Danish ancestry. |
| The favorite number of this user is Pi |
| This user has been discriminated against because he was homeschooled |
math-5 | This user can contribute with proficient mathematical skills. |
| This user believes that salvation is by grace alone through faith in Christ alone. |
This user likes the BBC.
| When it comes to music, this user only really likes film scores. |
This user enjoys music that melts your face.
| This user enjoys ska. |
fan-4 | This user thinks MUTEMATH is the best artist ever! |
K | This user is dust in the wind. |
This user believes Bagpipes are underused and underappreciated.
| This user plays the 5-string banjo. |
| This user plays the piano. |
KAZOO | This user plays the Kazoo. |
| This user knows Wolverine is the best there is. |
| This user is a fan of the Batman. |
| This user contributes using Ubuntu. |
| This user contributes while using iTunes. |
| This user contributes while using Spotify. |
| This user is against DRM. |
| This user prefers to play games on a PC. |
Cards | This user enjoys playing Uno. |
| This user believes pornography imperils society and is too easily accessible over the Internet. |