International Exams: FCE, CAE, CPE
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International Exams: FCE, CAE, CPE

1. International Exams: FCE, CAE, CPE


First Certificate in English (FCE), is an English language
examination provided by Cambridge English Language
Assessment. It is an upper-intermediate, international English
language qualification that focuses on Level B2 of the Common
European Framework of Reference for Languages.

3. History

Introduced in 1939, the Lower Certificate in English (LCE) was the second
English language exam developed for speakers of other languages by Cambridge
Assessment.The exam was divided into 3 section:
Oral (Dictation, Reading Aloud, and Conversation)
English Composition and Language (2 hours for a free composition on a choice of subjects and
various tests on the correct use of simple English)
Prescribed Texts (2 hours on Dickens, Swift, Shaw and/or the Oxford English Course book)
In 1975, driven by evolving principles of communicative language teaching and
testing, LCE was revised and renamed as the First Certificate in English (FCE).
1996 -FCE covered a greater range of writing, listening and speaking micro-skills.
2015-the main changes are: the overall exam is now 30 minutes shorter; there are
four exam papers, instead of five; and the Reading and Use of English papers have
been combined into a single paper.


Target audience- The FCE is strongly recommended for anyone who plans to
work in international business or to study and/or work overseas.
Recognition- Cambridge English exams are recognized by over 20,000
universities, employers and governments around the world.
Some of the leading organizations that already accept this exams include Sony,
Bayer, University of Warwick, Australian Government Department of Immigration
and Border Protection (DIBP) and American Express.


CAE- Certificate in advanced English is an international English
language examination developed by Cambridge English
Language Assessment. It is targeted at Level C1 of the Common
European Framework of Reference for Languages and can be
used for study, work and immigration purposes.

6. History

Cambridge English: Advanced was originally introduced in
1991 and is a high-level qualification that is officially recognised
by universities, employers and governments around the world.
It proves that a candidate has a high level of English for use in
academic or professional setting
This exam is the logical step in language learning journey
between Cambridge English: First (FCE) and Cambridge
English: Proficiency (CPE).


Target audience- Cambridge English: Advanced is typically taken by
high achievers who want to show they can:
follow an academic course at university level
communicate effectively at managerial and professional level
participate with confidence in workplace meetings or academic tutorials and
carry out complex and challenging research
stand out and differentiate themselves
Recognition-Cambridge English: Advanced is accepted by more than
6,000 organizations, employers and governments around the world as
being a reliable, accurate and fair test of English.
This includes universities and colleges in the UK, USA, Canada, Australia,
Europe and beyond.


Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE)- It is the
most advanced qualification offered by Cambridge English
Language Assessment and has been developed to show
achievement of an extremely high level of English.

9. History

The Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE) was first introduced in 1913 ‘for Foreign
Students who desire a satisfactory proof of their knowledge of the language with a view to
teaching it in foreign schools. The exam took 12 hours and cost £3 and was open only for
candidates aged 20 or over. The exam was divided into two sections: written and oral.
By 1926 the length of the exam had been reduced to 11 hours and the translation paper
included Italian and Spanish options.
In 1930 a special literature paper for foreign students was provided for the first time. The 1930
essay topics were more general and suitable for a variety of candidates:
The topic that is most discussed in your country at the present time.
The best month in the year
Good companions
Any English writer of the twentieth century.
Candidature began to rise, from 66 candidates in 1933 to 752 candidates in 1939.
In 2017, Cambridge English: Proficiency celebrated its 104th anniversary


Target audience- Learners use this qualification to study
post-graduate courses, lead high-level research projects and
academic seminars and communicate effectively at upper
managerial and board level in international business.
Many higher education institutions accept Cambridge English:
Proficiency for admission purposes. This includes Universities
based in:
Australia (e.g. Australian National University)
Russian Federation (e.g. Plekhanov Russian University of
United Kingdom (e.g. University of Cambridge)
United States of America (e.g. Brown College).


Recognition and purpose- Cambridge English exams are
recognized by over 20,000 universities, employers and
governments around the world.
Some of the leading organizations that already accept our exams
include Sony, Bayer, University of Warwick, Australian
Government Department of Immigration and Border Protection
(DIBP) and American Express.

12. Structure

Reading and Use of English
7 parts (text with gaps, word formation, rewriting sentences, text
with multiple choice questions, text with missing paragraphs).
Writing – 2 parts (an essay, an article/a letter/a report/a review).
Listening– 4 parts (recordings with multiple choice questions,
passages with gapped text, matching).
Speaking – 3 parts (interview, normally with another candidate).


14. Scoring





17. Statement of Results

18. Certificate


Paper-based or computer-based exams.
Fees are set by test centres ( around 150 euros).
FCE, CAE, CPE results/certificates do not have an
expiry date.
An online Statement of Results is available to
candidates four to six weeks after the paper-based
exam and two weeks after the computer-based
a certificate – within three months of the paperbased exam and within six weeks of the computerbased exam.

20. Preparation for the Exams

• exam centres;
• free preparation materials on the
Cambridge English Language
Assessment website;
• preparation materials published
by Cambridge University Press.
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