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Hadron transverse momentum distributions in muon deep inelastic scattering at 160 GeV/c
- Adolph, C;
- Alekseev, MG;
- Alexakhin, V Yu;
- Alexandrov, Yu;
- Alexeev, GD;
- Amoroso, A;
- Andrieux, V;
- Austregesilo, A;
- Badełek, B;
- Balestra, F;
- Barth, J;
- Baum, G;
- Bedfer, Y;
- Berlin, A;
- Bernhard, J;
- Bertini, R;
- Bicker, K;
- Bieling, J;
- Birsa, R;
- Bisplinghoff, J;
- Boer, M;
- Bordalo, P;
- Bradamante, F;
- Braun, C;
- Bravar, A;
- Bressan, A;
- Büchele, M;
- Burtin, E;
- Capozza, L;
- Chiosso, M;
- Chung, SU;
- Cicuttin, A;
- Crespo, ML;
- Dalla Torre, S;
- Dasgupta, SS;
- Dasgupta, S;
- Denisov, O Yu;
- Donskov, SV;
- Doshita, N;
- Duic, V;
- Dünnweber, W;
- Dziewiecki, M;
- Efremov, A;
- Elia, C;
- Eversheim, PD;
- Eyrich, W;
- Faessler, M;
- Ferrero, A;
- Filin, A;
- Finger, M;
- Finger, M;
- Fischer, H;
- Franco, C;
- du Fresne von Hohenesche, N;
- Friedrich, JM;
- Frolov, V;
- Garfagnini, R;
- Gautheron, F;
- Gavrichtchouk, OP;
- Gerassimov, S;
- Geyer, R;
- Giorgi, M;
- Gnesi, I;
- Gobbo, B;
- Goertz, S;
- Grabmüller, S;
- Grasso, A;
- Grube, B;
- Gushterski, R;
- Guskov, A;
- Guthörl, T;
- Haas, F;
- von Harrach, D;
- Heinsius, FH;
- Herrmann, F;
- Heß, C;
- Hinterberger, F;
- Höppner, Ch;
- Horikawa, N;
- d’Hose, N;
- Huber, S;
- Ishimoto, S;
- Ivanshin, Yu;
- Iwata, T;
- Jahn, R;
- Jary, V;
- Jasinski, P;
- Joosten, R;
- Kabuß, E;
- Kang, D;
- Ketzer, B;
- Khaustov, GV;
- Khokhlov, Yu A;
- Kisselev, Yu;
- Klein, F;
- Klimaszewski, K;
- Koivuniemi, JH;
- Kolosov, VN;
- Kondo, K;
- Königsmann, K;
- Konorov, I;
- Konstantinov, VF;
- Kotzinian, AM;
- Kouznetsov, O;
- Krämer, M;
- Kroumchtein, ZV;
- Kuchinski, N;
- Kunne, F;
- Kurek, K;
- Kurjata, RP;
- Lednev, AA;
- Lehmann, A;
- Levorato, S;
- Lichtenstadt, J;
- Maggiora, A;
- Magnon, A;
- Makke, N;
- Mallot, GK;
- Mann, A;
- Marchand, C;
- Martin, A;
- Marzec, J;
- Matsuda, H;
- Matsuda, T;
- Meshcheryakov, G;
- Meyer, W;
- Michigami, T;
- Mikhailov, Yu V;
- Morreale, A;
- Nagaytsev, A;
- Nagel, T;
- Nerling, F;
- Neubert, S;
- Neyret, D;
- Nikolaenko, VI;
- Novy, J;
- Nowak, W-D;
- Nunes, AS;
- Olshevsky, AG;
- Ostrick, M;
- Panknin, R;
- Panzieri, D;
- Parsamyan, B;
- Paul, S;
- Piragino, G;
- Platchkov, S;
- Pochodzalla, J;
- Polak, J;
- Polyakov, VA;
- Pretz, J;
- Quaresma, M;
- Quintans, C;
- Rajotte, J-F;
- Ramos, S;
- Reicherz, G;
- Rocco, E;
- Rodionov, V;
- Rondio, E;
- Rossiyskaya, NS;
- Ryabchikov, DI;
- Samoylenko, VD;
- Sandacz, A;
- Sapozhnikov, MG;
- Sarkar, S;
- Savin, IA;
- Sbrizzai, G;
- Schiavon, P;
- Schill, C;
- Schlüter, T;
- Schmidt, A;
- Schmidt, K;
- Schmitt, L;
- Schmïden, H;
- Schönning, K;
- Schopferer, S;
- Schott, M;
- Shevchenko, O Yu;
- Silva, L;
- Sinha, L;
- Sirtl, S;
- Slunecka, M;
- Sosio, S;
- Sozzi, F;
- Srnka, A;
- Steiger, L;
- Stolarski, M;
- Sulc, M;
- Sulej, R;
- Suzuki, H;
- Sznajder, P;
- Takekawa, S;
- Ter Wolbeek, J;
- Tessaro, S;
- Tessarotto, F;
- Thibaud, F;
- Uhl, S;
- Uman, I;
- Vandenbroucke, M;
- Virius, M;
- Wang, L;
- Weisrock, T;
- Wilfert, M;
- Windmolders, R;
- Wiślicki, W;
- Wollny, H;
- Zaremba, K;
- Zavertyaev, M;
- Zemlyanichkina, E;
- Zhuravlev, N;
- Ziembicki, M
- et al.
Published Web Location
Multiplicities of charged hadrons produced in deep inelastic muon scattering off a 6LiD target have been measured as a function of the DIS variables xBj , Q2, W2 and the final state hadron variables pT and z. The p2T distributions are fitted with a single exponential function at low values of p2T to determine the dependence of 〈p2T 〉 on xBj , Q2, W2 and z. The z-dependence of 〈p2T 〉 is shown to be a potential tool to extract the average intrinsic transverse momentum squared of partons, 〈k2⊥〉, as a function of xBj and Q2 in a leading order QCD parton model.
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