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Open Access Publications from the University of California

The Vernal Pool

The Vernal Pool bannerUC Merced


This is an archive of The Vernal Pool (2014–2019). As the leading creative writing journal for UC Merced undergraduate students, The Vernal Pool provides an edited expressive space for the student body to publish original work and an open, accessible venue for audiences to read, appreciate, celebrate and respond. Current issues can now be found at:

Cover Caption:The Vernal Pool, Issue 1, Fall 2014


The Vernal Pool, Issue One

Complete issue of The Vernal Pool, Number One.

The Vernal Pool, Issue One Front Matter

Cover and Table of Contents for Issue One of The Vernal Pool.


A series of prose poetry that will open your imagination.

The Walk on Fifth Street

"The Walk on Fifth Street" explores childhood nostalgia as a young pregnant woman reminisces in a familiar area her deceased mother used to take her to.

Cabbage Soup

A series of poems written at UC Merced.

Death Deprived

Prose describing a man who had a near death experience.