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Possible spell-corrected query: fill cipher
2024/1334 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-08-26
Chosen Text Attacks Against an Image Encryption Based on the Kronecker Xor Product, the Hill Cipher and the Sigmoid Logistic Map
George Teseleanu
Secret-key cryptography

In 2023, Mfungo et al. presented an image encryption scheme that relies on a series of diffusion techniques and uses a chaotic map to generate three secret keys. Note that two out of three keys are dynamically generated based on the size of the original image, while the remaining key is static. The authors claim that their proposal offers $149$ bits of security. Unfortunately, we found a chosen plaintext attack that requires $2$ oracle queries and has a worse case complexity of $\mathcal...

2023/1877 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-12-06
Security Analysis of an Image Encryption Scheme Based on a New Secure Variant of Hill Cipher and 1D Chaotic Maps
George Teseleanu
Secret-key cryptography

In 2019, Essaid et al. introduced a chaotic map-based encryption scheme for color images. Their approach employs three improved chaotic maps to dynamically generate the key bytes and matrix required by the cryptosystem. It should be noted that these parameters are dependent on the size of the source image. According to the authors, their method offers adequate security (i.e. $279$ bits) for transmitting color images over unsecured channels. However, we show in this paper that this is not the...

2023/1874 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-03
Security Analysis of an Image Encryption Based on the Kronecker Xor Product, the Hill Cipher and the Sigmoid Logistic Map
George Teseleanu
Secret-key cryptography

In 2023, Mfungo et al. introduce an image encryption scheme that employs the Kronecker xor product, the Hill cipher and a chaotic map. Their proposal uses the chaotic map to dynamically generate two out of the three secret keys employed by their scheme. Note that both keys are dependent on the size of the original image, while the Hill key is static. Despite the authors' assertion that their proposal offers sufficient security ($149$ bits) for transmitting color images over unsecured...

2020/1492 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-11-30
Automated ciphertext-only attack on the Wheatstone Cryptograph and related devices
Thomas Kaeding

We examine some historical proto-mechanical cryptographic devices, such as the Wheatstone Cryptograph, that employ revolving clock hands or rotating concentric disks. The action of these “cipher clocks” can be factored into a stream cipher followed by a monoalphabetic substitution. This allows us to perform a stochastic hill-climbing attack to break the substitution. The attack maximizes a fitness that measures how well a decryption of the substitution cipher resembles an encryption of the...

2020/339 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-05-06
Cracking Matrix Modes of Operation with Goodness-of-Fit Statistics
George Teseleanu
Secret-key cryptography

The Hill cipher is a classical poly-alphabetical cipher based on matrices. Although known plaintext attacks for the Hill cipher have been known for almost a century, feasible ciphertext only attacks have been developed only about ten years ago and for small matrix dimensions. In this paper we extend the ciphertext only attacks for the Hill cipher in two ways. First, we present two attacks for the affine version of the Hill cipher. Secondly, we show that the presented attacks can be extended...

2020/302 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-04-26
Slippery hill-climbing technique for ciphertext-only cryptanalysis of periodic polyalphabetic substitution ciphers
Thomas Kaeding

We present a stochastic method for breaking general periodic polyalphabetic substitution ciphers using only the ciphertext and without using any additional constraints that might come from the cipher’s structure. The method employs a hill-climbing algorithm for individual key alphabets, with occasional slipping down the hill. We implement the method with a computer and achieve reliable results for a sufficiently long ciphertext (150 characters per key alphabet). Because no constraints among...

2016/806 (PDF) Last updated: 2016-08-25
Healing the Hill Cipher, Improved Approach to Secure Modified Hill against Zero-plaintext Attack
Mohammad Hadi Valizadeh
Cryptographic protocols

Hill Cipher is a symmetric cryptosystem that was claimed to suffer from known-plaintext attack for many years. Different methods have been proposed to make this cipher more secure against known attacks. The introduced classic Hill cipher by Tourani and Falahati in 2011 that was devised in two variants and based upon affine transformation, was considered to be more secure against known attacks. Recently, this well modified Hill cipher is claimed to be vulnerable to zero-plaintext attack. In...

2015/802 (PDF) Last updated: 2015-08-10
Ciphertext-only attack on d*d Hill in O(d13^d)
Shahram Khazaei, Siavash Ahmadi
Secret-key cryptography

Hill is a classical cipher which is generally believed to be resistant against ciphertext-only attack. In this paper, by using a divide-and-conquer technique, it is first shown that Hill with d*d key matrix over Z_26 can be broken with computational complexity of O(d26^d), for the English language. This is much less than the only publicly known attack, i.e., the brute-force with complexity of O(d^3(26)^(d^2)). Then by using the Chinese Remainder Theorem, it is shown that the computational...

2013/592 (PDF) Last updated: 2013-09-14
Cryptanalysis of the Toorani-Falahati Hill Ciphers
Liam Keliher, Anthony Z. Delaney
Secret-key cryptography

In 2009 and 2011, Toorani and Falahati introduced two variants of the classical Hill Cipher, together with protocols for the exchange of encrypted messages. The designers claim that the new systems overcome the weaknesses of the original Hill Cipher, and are resistant to any ciphertext-only, known-plaintext, chosen-plaintext, or chosen-ciphertext attack. However, we describe a chosen-plaintext attack that easily breaks both Toorani-Falahati Hill Ciphers, and we present computational results...

2008/240 (PDF) Last updated: 2008-06-02
Leakage-Resilient Cryptography in the Standard Model
Stefan Dziembowski, Krzysztof Pietrzak

We construct a stream-cipher $\SC$ whose \emph{implementation} is secure even if arbitrary (adversely chosen) information on the internal state of $\SC$ is leaked during computation. This captures \emph{all} possible side-channel attacks on $\SC$ where the amount of information leaked in a given period is bounded, but overall can be arbitrary large, in particular much larger than the internal state of $\SC$. The only other assumption we make on the \emph{implementation} of $\SC$ is that...

2008/111 (PDF) Last updated: 2008-03-12
Yuriy Izbenko, Vladislav Kovtun, Alexandr Kuznetsov
Secret-key cryptography

With cryptographic investigations, the design of Boolean functions is a wide area. The Boolean functions play important role in the construction of a symmetric cryptosystem. In this paper the modifed hill climbing method is considered. The method allows using hill climbing techniques to modify bent functions used to design balanced, highly nonlinear Boolean functions with high algebraic degree and low autocorrelation. The experimental results of constructing the cryptographically strong...

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