ALTALTALTALTALT[Trouble got evicted. From the Devil’s lair. I wager she got betrayed. By her friend Despair. Now the flames from Satan’s tongue are charged.] s22e02 cruisin' italian countryside guy fieri guyfieri diners drive-ins and dives trouble devil lair friend despair flames satan tongue
ALT[A story is a letter the author writes to himself.] s02e06 real deal bbq guy fieri guyfieri diners drive-ins and dives story letter author
ALTALTALT[I lack any type of common sense because I always wanna solve all my problems with fists and violence. Ooo im losing control. Evil in the brain.] s38e12 takeout - carnivore delivery guy fieri guyfieri diners drive-ins and dives common sense losing control type problems fists violence ooo evil brain
ALT[Obsequious —but not aggressive or paranoid either.] s36e10 filling up on philly guy fieri guyfieri diners drive-ins and dives
ALT[TURNS INTO A PASTE. SCRAPE THAT DOWN.] s09e08 farm to table guy fieri guyfieri diners drive-ins and dives turns paste scrape
ALTALTALT[You want to get a good release. That’s sugar napalm. Stuff going to Hokkaido. Mmm! Aww!] s37e09 cross-country culinary cred guy fieri guyfieri diners drive-ins and dives good release sugar napalm stuff hokkaido
ALT[WE MAKE OUR OWN KETCHUP. WE PUT LOCAL HONEY IN THERE.] s07e08 barbecued baked and brined guy fieri guyfieri diners drive-ins and dives own ketchup local honey
ALT[Adhuc diffusum tempus est elapsum quod me loqui audivistis.] s12e04 grillin' and smokin' guy fieri guyfieri diners drive-ins and dives adhuc diffusum tempus audivistis
ALTALTALT[The particularly sandwich starts out with a Ciabatta bread that’s made in house. You’ve got pork, and then you’ve got sausage.] s38e05 savory meat and a little sweet guy fieri guyfieri diners drive-ins and dives ciabatta bread sandwich house pork sausage