playtime for HENDOG (1 Viewer)

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Is that the silverton narrow gauge railroad?

Recall that as a kid....
Yep the very same one

Dust in the wind!!!! We were on Old Route 66 when we entered TEXAS so we could only get a distant shot. Brutal Drive-- Exhausting!!!!

AH Sweet Tea!!! We are getting closer to the South!!!Only covered 500 miles Yesterday. We ate at Verns Texas Steak house in Shamrock TX. Awesome steak! Despite what the Texas Cattle Dog thought of Verns Place, I would recommend it!!! Soon after consuming I succumbed to sleepy sleepy syndrome. Stopped in Clinton OK. Had planned on Oklahoma City---Oh well on to Hot Springs today!!!

YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!

How's your hearing?:lol::lol::lol: Lucy use up the earplugs Tina gave her?

It's even cooler thinking that there are TWO vintage 45s roaming the U.S. :cool:

Can't wait to see a picture of the two rigs together.:)
Yes, very cool thread....
Head up to Branson, MO. After your Hot Springs crawl. It's a beautiful place and lots to see and do!
Awesome adventure, I'm envious

Henry I have a question do you avoid freeways?
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Great adventure HENDOG! Your picture next to the "Welcome to Utah" is wonderful. Glad to hear your drive into Ouray and Silverton was a success. I hope to have my MOR-Built FJ45 up that way this summer to drive the same roads. Good luck on the rest of the push and +1 on the ear plugs.


Sorry for the lack of Posts---Slap wore out, and no signal at super lift Ohv Park. We are home safe and happy with many cool stories to tell. The old truck was a great blessing in our lives! Thanks Tony for building a mighty fine package . And thank you Mark for all the modern and useful upgrades, and advise, and encouragement, and helping ensure a safe trip. And Thank you Rob for going ahead of us and chasing all the clouds and bad spirits away!!!



Rested and time to update!

When we hit The Cruiser Crawl we were pretty exhausted. We had acquired a nice room ( Also the last Room!) at the Panther Valley Ranch. We showered and crashed there soon after checking in at Cottonland Central. Got back up for the finest two bowls of Gumbo I have ever eaten!!! Enjoyed the Band that night and adult beverages, then retired for a very comfortable nights rest.

I awoke early Sat morning to find a heavy downpour outside my window. I knew exactly what to do-Go back to Bed. Awoke around 11 am , the rain had passed. Sunshine and clear blue skys were all around, so we headed to town for some history, a great meal,and Antique shopping. Later that night enjoyed a great Pulled pork plate with our fellow enthusiasts, and managed to not win a single raffle prize:bang:.

Got up early the next a.m. and headed to Memphis for lunch with some friends. After that 5hr drive back to Atlanta. Small delay in Birmingham Al. then home safe Sunday night 11p.m.----WOW What a trip!!!

Great story Henry!!! Too bad about the tire, and fun to see my notes to Whitey are still holding up!!! I miss the little red truck but I see it went to the right person and it will get used and not abused.

Have fun with it, my family and I had some great times with it and look forward to seeing and hearing about the adventures you and your family will have with the 45.
I was so stoked when I saw you pull in. You and the Mrs got AlOT of Heart. I would meet you anywhere in this Great Country Henry. We both pulled off something I dont think will be topped in sometime. I do need your address just so happens when we were talking I noticed your horn relay didnt have a cover. I have some here and couldnt see one go to a better home you earned it. " I told you Tony built an Amaizing 45 "
The Truck IS TRUELY AMAZING and it has definitely found a great home!!! We love it!!! It was an Awesome Trip. Anybody thinking about doing an adventure- Do Not Hesitate - Life will pass you by -Quicker then you know! Glad to hear you made it home safe and sound Rob, great seeing you again. My Hats off to you. I don't think I could have done another 2,000 miles! My wife had a great time and is looking forward to the next Cruiser Event---I think the Gumbo, Beer, Band , and great Family Atmosphere has sold her on the Lifestyle. I have been telling her there's not a better group of people anywhere on the planet!!!! I'll definitely P.M. you my address for the Horn Relay Cover. I know where there are a few but they are located Far up in a tree way out of my reach!!! LOL:eek::eek::eek:
This is the only truck that I might trade my 50 year old FJ-45 SWB for , Are there any of these in the States?

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