Welcome to the official Forza Community Forums! This is the home for discussion and feedback about Forza Motorsport and Forza Horizon games.
Read through the guidance below to learn about navigating and using the Forums - using good posting etiquette will improve the experience for you and your fellow community members.
Before you get started in the Forums be sure to check out the main Forza.net site for the latest official news, videos, events, and featured community content in our games. Click the Forza logo in the upper left of the screen to go to the main page.
See also the links on the footer of the Forums for Forza’s game developers Turn 10 Studios and Playground Games, our official Forza Support site with Release Notes and informative articles, Microsoft official policies on Trademarks, Terms of Use, and Privacy, and links to our social media channels.
Read the Forza Code of Conduct Communications Guidance to be aware of acceptable content and behavior in the Forums. Our goal is to provide a safe, fun, and inclusive place for our players to chat about all things Forza. All users of Forza communications channels agree to abide by the Forza Code of Conduct and these rules.
While Forza channels may include sections for Off-Topic discussion, this does not mean that anything goes. Some content is prohibited and immediately enforceable, while other content may be removed because it is inappropriate for Forza channels. Enforcement begins with a warning, and additional instances can accumulate toward a permanent ban from posting.
The Forza Forums is built on Discourse software. See the Discourse New User Guide for an overview about posting, categories, tags, and more.
If you find yourself deep in a post and want to get back to the main forums view, you can always click the “Forza Forums” in the left of the top nav bar, or the home icon on the right side of the bar next to your avatar image.
Click your avatar image in the upper right corner of the screen to customize your Profile and Preferences as well as see notifications, messages, badges, and other activity.
The hamburger menu in the top nav bar also provides links to all categories, tags, badges, and the Upcoming Events Calendar.
The Forza Forums are structured by Categories with multiple master categories that each have up to two levels of subcategories. Clicking on a category will show all posts within its subcategories. If you are viewing a category with subcategories, you will need to click one of its subcategories to be able to create a New Topic.
The Forums master categories are grouped according to content type:
- The Forza Horizon and Forza Motorsport discussion categories are for discussing current game content.
- The Troubleshooting Hub is for reporting bugs around game issues not working as intended.
- The Suggestions Hub is for submitting ideas about adding or changing content in the games.
- The Community Hub is for sharing photos, designs, and other content created or organized by the community.
- The Miscellaneous category is for discussing general Forza, Xbox, gaming, and other automotive topics outside the games.
- The Official Forza category includes the Code of Conduct, announcements, polls, and contests and events.
The Forza Forums also uses Tags for navigating posts. Unlike categories, posts can have multiple tags, and the same tag can be used on posts in multiple categories. Some tags are limited to use within a specific category. You can use the “all tags” dropdown in the upper left of the screen, or click a tag from a post to quickly find posts using a tag. For instance, this is is a tag link: fh5
It’s important to stay on topic and post within the relevant category to avoid duplication and cross-posting: bug reporting and wishlisting don’t belong in the Discussion categories, etc.
Before creating a new category, always click the Latest view of the posts in the category and read the pinned messages for information and guidance. Use the advanced Search options to avoid creating a new topic where one already exists. Posting in existing topics keeps the previous comments active and consolidates discussion making it easier for other users to find it and avoid duplication.
If you see prefilled template when you create a topic, read it and follow the directions.
The Troubleshooting Hub and Suggestions Hub are where we monitor feedback from the community by topic Voting. Click a topic and then click the Vote button in the upper left of the topic to cast your vote to indicate that you are affected by a bug or interested in supporting a suggestion. Be sure to vote on topics you create in these categories.
When creating a topic, users can also insert Polls, Tables, Time/Date, and apply other formatting such as hiding details and blurring spoilers.
To insert a photo into a post you can use the Upload button the posting window or simply paste in a copied image. This will format the post with text in [brackets] followed by the image filename in (parentheticals). You can edit the bracketed text to create Alt Text which is very helpful for vision-impaired users.
Dropping in a link to most social media sites such as YouTube will create a preview and playable video within the post, while dropping in an Xbox capture will take the user to that link destination.
If you see a post with content that violates the Code of Conduct, click the three dots … in the lower right corner of the post next to “Reply” and click the Flag icon. This will bring up the option to report the post with a reason. The flag will then alert Moderators and Staff to take action if necessary.
Important instructions about flagging posts:
- Only flag posts that are objectionable under the rules and guidelines, including personal attacks or other unacceptable behavior, but not simply opinions that you disagree with.
- Do not engage with the content you have flagged; leave it to Moderators or Staff to deal with it privately. Engaging in arguments or retaliating is prohibited and will result in enforcement on your own account.
You can message other users directly by clicking their avatar image in a post and then clicking the Message button in the popup, or by selecting their profile from the list of Users found in the hamburger menu. Messages can include more than two users for private group discussion.
If you have additional questions about using the forums don’t be afraid to ask other community members, and help new users if you have the answers.
Your participation is what makes the Forza community great - thanks for visiting!