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DEV brand image showing illustrations of DEV pages and DEV badges with the DEV logo shown centrally

DEV Ads πŸš€

Reach the community through powerful native advertising

Our privacy-focused advertising options connect you to a highly engaged developer community.

A screenshot of a post on DEV showing a sidebar ad

DEV Takeover ✨

Supercharge your product launch or feature release with a DEV Takeover

You will receive a prominent homepage banner that links to a dedicated DEV post where you'll have space to show off your offering.

A screenshot showing a DEV Takeover banner on the homepage

DEV Newsletters πŸ“©

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Sponsor our weekly newsletter or our super popular DEV Digest round-ups.

A segment from a newsletter showing this weeks sponsor

DEV Challenges πŸ†

Place your product into the hands of our community

We'll work with you to craft a challenge that aligns with your objectives, activating our highly engaged developer community to build with your product.

Promotional material advertising the Cloudflare AI Challenge

DEV Livestreams πŸ”΄

Broadcast your livestream directly on the DEV homepage

Boost your next product launch, conference, or stream with a simulcast directly on the DEV homepage and on targeted relevant articles

A screenshot showing the AWS Security Live stream shown on the DEV homepage

CodeNewbie Podcast πŸŽ™οΈ

CodeNewbie shares stories from people on their coding journeys.

The CodeNewbie Podcast has generated over millions of downloads. Sponsor a slot and explore our other podcast options.

Cover art for an episode of the CodeNewbie Podcast

DEV Showcase ⭐

Craft your home on DEV

A custom landing page for your company to show off what mattersβ€” your products, events, team culture, and beyond.

A portion of the Pieces Showcase page
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