此政策是由維基媒體基金會理事會批准。 維基媒體基金會工作人員或任何維基媒體專案的當地政策不得規避,侵蝕或忽視此政策。 |
- 本摘要不是一份法律文件。
· 如实地描述维基媒体的网站;
· 准确地报道新闻;
· 创作艺术、文学、和政治作品;
· 链接至各個维基媒体网站。
· 组织一個以維基媒體社群为重点的活动;
· 进行推广活动和招募新编者;或是
· 将标志用于T恤、蛋糕、或是其他物品但不销售它们。
1 本政策适用範圍?
1.1 "维基媒体标志"
1.2 维基媒体标志的"使用"
1.3 "我们"或者"维基媒体基金会"
1.4 "你"
1.4.1 社群成员
1.4.2 地区分会、用户团体和专题组织
1.4.3 其他的组织或个人
1.5 "使命"
2 如何使用维基媒体商标
2.1 适当的形式
2.2 声明或商标符号
3 何时可以不經申请就使用维基媒体商标
3.1 商标在维基媒体站点上的使用
3.2 以社群为中心的活动
3.3 推广及招聘新的貢獻者
3.4 社群标志使用
3.5 在维基站点以外的讨论(合理使用)
3.6 参照到维基媒体的网站(指示性合理使用)
- 一个维基媒体站点或专用于讨论维基媒体项目的文字中(诸如“我喜欢阅读维基百科上的维基导游条目。”)。
- 不具误导性的维基媒体内容的衍生作品(例如“本站点的百科内容来自维基百科”)。
3.6.1 新闻报道
3.6.2 个人博客和社交媒体
3.6.3 艺术、科学、文学、政治和其他非商业性使用
3.7 制作自用的周边物品
4 需要许可的特殊使用
4.1 特殊社群使用的快速许可协议
4.1.1 照片竞赛
4.1.2 維基館聯倡议
一些館聯倡议包括駐點維基人 - 与特定的館聯合作去发展该组织与维基百科的关系的维基百科贡献者。请在网上的专业资料、个人博客和社交媒体上使用快速许可协议,以代表自己是駐點維基人,只要你的工作与使命一致。
4.2 域名
4.3 活动与会议
4.4 出版物
4.5 电影和电视节目
4.6 商品
- 你获得了维基媒体基金会的商标使用许可协议;
- 你遵守我们的视觉识别方针;并且
- 如果您要捐助维基媒体基金会,您应当在售价中如实标注其中有多少资金将捐出。
5 禁止使用的情况
5.1 误导性的镜像和仿制网站
5.2 链接至非维基媒体网站
5.3 虛假陳述
6 商标滥用行为
6.1 报告滥用行为
6.2 滥用情形的许可取消
7 商标政策的修订和译文
7.1 本商标政策可以遵循以下方式修订:
- 我们将向社群提出重大修改,以我们所选择的三种语言來表示。我们将在维基媒体网站上发出修改建议的通知,并通过电子邮件发给WikimediaAnnounce-L或类似的邮件列表。然后社群可以在至少30天内提出意见。
- 对于次要的改动或法律要求的改动,在可能的情况下,我们会提前三天通知WikimediaAnnounce-L或一个类似的邮件列表。次要的改变包括语言的修正、行政上的改变、或对不准确的陈述的更正。
- 本节不适用于用户友好摘要、常见问题、商标权政策目的陈述、商标申请表和侵权行为报告表。它们不属于本商标政策,始终可以不经通知而修订。
7.2 商标政策的译文
7.3 問題
The Wikimedia marks represent the goodwill created by the many volunteers that make up the Wikimedia community. That is why internet users can trust that sites bearing Wikimedia marks contain free and neutral educational content developed by committed Wikimedians through good faith collaboration. Ensuring that the Wikimedia marks are only used consistently with our mission helps protect the community's hard work and the reputation of the Wikimedia sites.
1. 商標政策平衡了社群的兩個訴求
The decentralized nature of the Wikimedia sites allows passionate contributors all over the globe to serve the mission of free knowledge. The first interest is therefore to ensure that contributors can easily use the Wikimedia marks in their work. The second interest is to protect the reputation of the Wikimedia marks. The marks signify educational content generated through an open and collaborative process. The reputation of the marks is particularly important given that the content that they represent is delivered digitally over the internet and could easily be misrepresented to the unwary user.
In order to serve the Wikimedia community interests, we need to apply trademark law creatively. The principles of trademark law were not developed with our unique organizational model in mind. But our goal is to make trademark protection work smoothly for our community. The trademark policy therefore respects the demands of trademark law while facilitating the use of the marks by the Wikimedia community.
2. 为何使用商标?
Trademarks allow a user to trust her or his intuition that a mark she or he recognizes will in fact lead her or him to the work that she or he is seeking. Trademark protection is not an intellectual property right that can be established or sold separately from the work that it represents. It is nowhere near as restrictive as copyright or patent protection. Those doctrines have demanded that we adopt open license approaches—such as Creative Commons and GNU GPL—to make the law better serve our mission. There is no equivalent open trademark license that we can adopt. Yet the unique contours of trademark law allow us to creatively make it work in our favor. It allows liberal re-use of Wikimedia content, while preserving the integrity of the Wikimedia sites. Because of our distinct trademarks, readers will instantly know which educational material has been created in the wiki way by our community.
- 2.1 商標政策如何避免商標的不當使用
- Trademark rights help safeguard the marks that represent the Wikimedia movement from misuse. People may use the marks misleadingly because of the popularity of the Wikimedia sites. Some try to make their own websites or services more appealing by using our marks. Others misappropriate the marks or the general appearance of the Wikimedia sites to attract attention. But that attention is misguided because the marks are used to pass off work that is not genuine Wikimedia content. If we were to permit this, users may mistakenly believe that this inferior content was produced by the Wikimedia community and their opinion of the Wikimedia sites would dwindle.
- For example, nobody likes to see sham Wikipedia articles created solely to promote companies in a way that is inconsistent with our mission. Similarly, cybersquatters often try to register common misspellings and variations of the Wikimedia marks in domain names. They do so to redirect users looking for the Wikimedia sites to advertising and other unrelated content. They can, for example, lead users to sites designed to spread malware by encouraging them to click on a pop-up ad stating, "Congratulations! You are the millionth visitor!" They can also expose users to phishing scams by asking them to enter their password on a page that looks like a Wikimedia site. These are all examples of misuses that we can fight using trademark rights. We need to retain the right to pursue these kind of misuses to protect the hard work of the Wikimedia community.
- 2.2 The importance of free speech in the trademark doctrine ensures that the Wikimedia trademarks do not interfere with free knowledge.
- Our mission of sharing knowledge relies on and encourages free speech. Trademark protection can exist in this ecosystem, as the doctrine leaves a lot of room for speech-related activities. For instance, the unique fair use doctrine under trademark law allows any use of a wordmark in a non-trademark sense (i.e. when the word could mean something other than the trademark). Trademark law also has a "nominative use" doctrine. This doctrine allows free uses of a mark to refer to the item branded with that name. Finally, trademark law also embraces use of marks in art and political speech. This spectrum of free uses of a trademark distinguishes this body of law from intellectual property rights like copyright and patent.
- By employing trademark protection over the Wikimedia marks, we do not impede these types of uses by anyone. Our liberal approval of trademark requests will further ensure that community members can easily use the Wikimedia marks to promote the mission, even for non-fair use purposes.
3. How we maintain our trademark rights.
To preserve the Wikimedia trademarks for the movement, we need to monitor for misuses and carefully license the marks. Misleading uses can weaken the connection between a mark and the goodwill that it represents, potentially resulting in loss of trademark rights. It could cause us to lose our ability to protect against other misleading or abusive uses. This is why it is important to keep track of the uses of the Wikimedia marks and to take action against misleading uses.
Similarly, trademark law requires trademark holders to monitor the quality of the work that is allowed to carry the trademarks under a license. Failure to control the quality through a license and monitoring can result in "naked licensing," causing a trademark holder to lose its rights. It is therefore important to require a level of quality that reflects a quality of the Wikimedia sites and reputation.
4. Facilitating trademark uses that promote the Wikimedia mission.
While we have certain legal obligations, we do not want trademark requirements to be an obstacle for the work of the Wikimedia community. The trademark policy seeks to facilitate the ease of licensing Wikimedia marks. Many uses are also specifically permitted by the trademark policy and do not require separate permission. Other uses fall under the many fair use categories, which we also outline for users in the policy.
We are also thinking creatively about how we can make it easier for community members to use the marks to further the Wikimedia mission.
To that end, we have introduced a liberal solution in the trademark policy for particular uses of Wikimedia marks called the "Quick License." It is a Quick License because instead of requesting a license and waiting for it to be prepared, community members just need to fill it out and email it to trademarkswikimediaorg. While the Quick License makes trademark use easier for common community uses, it includes some measures to maintain trademark protection of the Wikimedia marks. The license includes a quality control requirement and a reservation of a right to terminate the license if a mark is used in a way that is inconsistent with the Wikimedia mission.
5. 新的变化是?
Other than introducing a number of liberal solutions to assist community members in their work, the new trademark policy has very few substantive changes. We have focused on clarifying our trademark policy and practice as much as possible to make the use of the marks easier. Community members provided a lot of comments about trademark provisions that were previously ambiguous. We have worked to clarify those and other provisions in the new trademark policy and FAQs. We want the policy to be easily navigated and understood. We have therefore introduced a user-friendly summary at the beginning of the trademark policy that links to relevant provisions of the policy. We have also significantly expanded the FAQs and interlinked them with relevant provisions in the policy. The language of the policy and the FAQs was further tested under various readability indices to make sure that we wrote them in a straightforward way. Finally, we have introduced forms for requesting trademark licenses and reporting misuses that we hope will make those two processes smoother.
0 商标政策简介
0.1 什么是商标保护(trademark protection)?
商標法(trademark law)保護著某一標誌(mark)所代表的某一成果(work,像是商品或服務)之間的連結關係。它意在保障用戶不致於混淆一項成果的來源。同時,用戶也把商標當做與某成果之間的連結,因此會對此標誌所提供的成果之知名度、品質、以及服務有相當程度的期待。因此,商標是項強而有力、極富價值的工具,它能夠使維基媒體基金會以及其社群成員的知名度具象化,也可被視為一種讓用戶能夠認識某一成果或商品或服務的「簡略表達(shorthand)」。
0.2 什么是“维基媒体网站(Wikimedia sites)”?
1 本政策适用範圍?
1.1 什么是“文字标志(wordmark)”?
1.2 什么是“非艺术化文字标志(non-stylized wordmark)”?
1.3 什么是“商用外观(trade dress)”?
1.5 为何運動组织不能任意地使用商標?
1.6 What is the relationship between this trademark policy and a chapter, user group, or thematic organization agreement?
Chapters, user groups, and thematic organizations must comply both with this trademark policy and their respective agreement with the Wikimedia Foundation. If there are inconsistencies between this trademark policy and a chapter, user group, or a thematic organization agreement, the organization should follow their agreement.
2 如何使用维基媒体商标
2.1 Can my logo, name, or company name be smaller than the Wikimedia mark if it is really obvious that my products and services are not offered by the Wikimedia Foundation?
No. We need to make sure it is extremely clear that the Wikimedia Foundation is not providing your products or services. This is a simple, consistent way of doing that.
2.2 What if I clearly state that the products or services are provided by me?
2.3 你们说的“在维基媒体站点以外”是指什么?
2.4 Can I still create terms that combine Wikimedia trademarks with other words like "Wikipedian in Residence"?
Yes. This provision is not meant to stop community members from creatively combining the marks with other words to create new terms for the Wikimedia movement as long as they do it on the Wikimedia sites.
2.5 我可以翻译这些商标的文字么?
2.6 Can I add graphic elements to, for example, celebrate a special event?
You can create remixes for special on-site purposes, but please do not change the logos outside our sites. These and many, many other questions are answered in the Visual Identity Guidelines.
2.7 What types of remixes of Wikimedia logos may be used outside of Wikimedia sites?
Certain remixes of Wikimedia logos may be used outside of Wikimedia sites as long as the remix does not look too similar to any of the Wikimedia marks. Please make sure that the remix will not be confused with the original Wikimedia logo.
2.8 我可以使用标志的高清版么?
2.9 我在哪里注释商标提醒?
2.10 如果我认为我没有足够的位置注明提醒我应该怎么办?
2.11 How should I refer to the trademark in the notice?
Wordmarks can be referenced verbatim (i.e. "Wikimedia Commons"). Logos should be described according to the Visual Identity Guidelines. Examples include the "Wikipedia Puzzle Globe" and the "'W' icon."
2.12 我如何使用多于一个标志?
2.13 什么时候我不得不加入商标符号?
You only need to use the trademark symbol when you do not have enough space to write the entire notice, like when you are using a trademark on a mobile screen.
2.14 能否给一些正确使用商标的例子?
2.15 我应该使用何种尺寸的商标?
When you use a wordmark (like "Wikipedia"), you should use the same font size for the trademark symbol as the wordmark itself. In this context, superscript formatting is encouraged for the symbol. When the mark is an image (like the puzzle globe), you should select a font size for the symbol that matches the size of the image and place the symbol so that it is clearly visible and close enough to the upper right corner of the image without touching it.
2.16 但是我想把我的網頁設計得好看一點!我可不可以把商標縮小或放在其他地方?
Unfortunately, no. Remember, you only need to put the symbol next to the first or most prominent use of the mark.
2.17 What does "no endorsement by or affiliation with the Wikimedia Foundation" mean?
You need to make sure that people do not mistakenly think that you may speak on behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation or one of its sites. For instance, you need to make sure that no one thinks you work for the Wikimedia Foundation.
3 不需询问权限的维基媒体标志使用
3.1 Can you give me some examples of when I can use the marks on the Wikimedia sites?
3.2 哪些活动不是“重点放在社群的”?
An event that includes mostly people who are not community members is not a community-focused event. (Please see the FAQ on events in general.) This does not mean that you cannot have guests at your meetup!
3.5 您能否提供重点放在社群的活动的例子?
Community-focused events are those events that are primarily open to community members and promote the mission. They tend to be related to improving the overall quality of the Wikimedia sites. Examples include conferences and monthly meetups hosted by community members, as well as other specific events like the "London Wikipedians regular's table," Wiki-Conference in Russia, and Wikipedia Workshop Köln (DE).
3.4 如果我的活动是重点放在社群的,我能使用哪些标志?
First, all Wikimedia community-focused events can bear a trademarked name. You may also use the Wikimedia logos to decorate your venue, but only to the extent they are relevant. For example, you cannot use the Wikisource logo for a Wikimedia Commons-only event. However, keep in mind that the 'Wikimania' name and logo are reserved for the yearly Wikimania conference.
3.5 您能否提供拓展工作使用的例子?
You can put up a stand at a street fair. Here are some examples of that. You may want to present the Wikimedia sites in your club or reach out to seniors. You can also give a talk in a school or create a university course.
3.6 什麼是教育性資源?
Educational materials help people to understand the Wikimedia sites. They can be leaflets, videos, cheat sheets, and other guides.
3.7 What about representing the community in an institution?
You need to sign and email us a Quick License if your institution wants to call you "Wikipedian in Residence" as part of a GLAM project, or something similar.
3.8 这里有维基媒体社群标志?
3.9 合理使用是什么意思?
3.10 您能否提供更多合理使用的例子?
This category of fair use is tricky in our case because our wordmarks were not real words before our projects were created, unlike "apple" or "facebook." But we would consider it fair use if you were to write a book in the Wiki software and refer to it as a "wiki book," even though Wikibooks is a distinctive trademark. If you are using the wordmarks to describe our projects, that is also a type of fair use (nominative use). You can read more about nominative use here.
3.11 您能否提供更多并非合理使用的例子?
- 使用维基媒体标志宣传您的书籍。
- 销售带有维基媒体基金会标志的T恤。
- 创建您自己的百科全书并且使用了维基百科的球形拼图。
- 使用维基媒体基金会标志为无关计划筹款。
- 在内容并非来自维基媒体站点情形下却宣称内容“来自维基百科,自由的百科全书”。
3.12 您能否提供更多主要使用的例子?
- 描述维基媒体站点:
- In a presentation that describes how Wikipedia works, using the wordmarks in slides in your bullet points would be a nominative use. The same also applies for a blog post that describes Wikidata. If you want to "illustrate" your slides or your blog post with any of the image marks, please refer to artistic, literary, and other non-commercial uses.
- However, you cannot use a trademark as a generic term. For example, you cannot set up a wiki on motorcycles and refer to it as "a wikipedia for motorcycles."
- 真實準確地說明:
- “维基百科是世界最大的在线百科全书,并且它也是数千个网站中唯一一个集结成千上万志愿者编辑的。”
- “我在2009年加入维基百科成为一名编辑者”(在您的个人网站)。
- 描述衍生作品:
- “来源:维基百科”
- “本艺术作品基于来自维基共享资源的图像创建。”
- “以下内容由维基百科内容衍生而来。”
- 或者干脆:“来自维基百科”或“至维基百科条目”(通过QR码)
- 更多個別例子:
- Refer to the sections on news reporting; personal blogs and social media; artistic, literary, and other non-commercial uses; and links to Wikimedia sites.
3.13 我是否可以在新闻或漫画杂志或者电视新闻上使用标志或截图?
Yes, as long as the image illustrates the discussion in the article. Do not use our trademark just to attract attention to your work. That will confuse your readers or viewers, and ours!
3.14 我是否可以在博客文章或者状态更新站点包括标志?
Yes, as long as the image illustrates the discussion in your post. Do not use trademarked images just to attract attention to your page. Viewers of your blog or your user page should not be confused and think that your page is endorsed by the Wikimedia Foundation or any of its sites.
3.15 我能否在用户名、头像或聊天软件表情中使用商标?
3.16 Can you give me some examples of artistic, literary, and other non-commercial uses?
- Using the trademarks to discuss a scientific thesis in an academic paper.
- Illustrating a point in the slides for an educational presentation with a screenshot of a Wikimedia site.
- 使用标志在美术作品中。
- Creating a parody for the purposes of conveying a political message.
- 撰写一本关于维基百科条目的书籍。
3.12 您能否提供连接至维基媒体站点的例子?
3.20 我可以销售带有这些标志的周边商品么?
3.21 可以在其他场合使用原样么?
3.22 那么我在哪可以了解商业销售的周边产品?
最好是进入维基媒体商店 (Wikimedia shop)了解,这里销售的周边商品都由官方授权。如果您希望销售您自己的商品,请参见此处。
3.23 Can I ask commercial vendors to create custom items for me that use Wikimedia marks?
Of course! You may ask vendors like bakers and t-shirt sellers to create items with Wikimedia marks especially for you or your friends. This is okay because it is for your own personal use and no one is creating a business surrounding the sale of items with Wikimedia trademarks. And do not worry, vendors will not be required to strictly follow the Visual Identity Guidelines when it is not possible on items like cakes. For example, all these cakes are fine.
3.24 Is it okay to commission someone else to create lots of items with the Wikimedia marks for meet-ups and similar events?
Yes! As long as the items are not sold to participants, it is okay to ask a vendor to create multiple items with the Wikimedia marks for community-focused parties and gatherings like edit-a-thons under Section 3.2 of the policy.
3.25 Can I use high-resolution logos on commercial merchandise?
4 需要许可的特殊使用
4.1 如果我需要許可,我是不是要為此付費?
Usually, there is no license fee. However, we want to keep track of how our trademarks are used. Also, we want to make sure every use complies with our mission and standards. This is why we require a formal license in certain cases.
4.2 Do I need permission for every photo contest?
You only need to get a license if you advertise the photo contest outside a Wikimedia site. This includes posters, social media, and blogs. You can freely use the marks for community-focused events. Community-focused events are those that are intended to be predominantly attended by Wikimedia community members. They do not include events open to the general public.
4.3 Can I print out t-shirts with the Wikimedia logo to give out as prizes for the photo contest?
Yes. You can always make t-shirts with the Wikimedia logos and give them away as long as you are not selling them.
4.4 How can I use the marks as a Wikipedian in Residence?
The marks may be used in any way that identifies you as a Wikipedian in Residence. Please avoid confusion about official endorsement. You should clarify that you are not a representative of the Wikimedia Foundation.
4.5 Can you give an example of cybersquatting?
In the past, someone registered the domain wikkipedia.org to attract traffic to their own site. This is called cybersquatting or typosquatting that infringes our trademark. We strictly enforce our policy against confusing domain names. Please tell us if you see an infringing domain name.
4.6 我可以在我的域名中出现维基媒体标志么?
Unfortunately, no. If you do, there is a risk that you will confuse readers that are looking for Wikimedia content or other material related to Wikimedia. Movement organizations may be permitted to use the Wikimedia mark as part of their domain, but only after receiving special permission.
4.7 Can I use a Wikimedia mark if I use a different top-level domain?
You cannot register a Wikimedia mark as a domain, no matter the top-level domain, including country code top-level domains. For example, you may not register "wikipedia.jobs" even though it uses ".jobs", a different top-level domain, because "wikipedia" is a Wikimedia mark.
4.10 “公众活动”是什么?
A public event is an event that is not predominantly attended by community members. An event is also public when it is announced to the public with signs or advertisements or in an event schedule. Hence, this rule does not apply to community-focused meetups and conferences.
4.10 What event uses require permission?
Using a trademark for an event includes naming the event or using a Wikimedia logo on advertisements, leaflets, signage or a website.
4.11 Are there any exceptions to when events require permission?
If the name of the event uses a mark just to describe its content, that might fall under nominative use. An example for this would be announcing a course called 'Editing Wikipedia for Beginners' or 'Using Wikimedia Commons as an Amateur Photographer'. However, always include a notice that explains that your use is with permission from the Wikimedia Foundation and that you are not affiliated with the Foundation. Also, events hosted by a local Wikimedia chapter, thematic organization, or user group can use the marks subject to their respective agreement with the Wikimedia Foundation.
4.12 What is a "publication"?
Publications include books, other print media, and web pages. They also mean audiovisual media like music, and other recordings, film and online video. See Outreach and recruiting new editors for materials that provide education about a Wikimedia site. See Section 4.5 for trademark uses in films.
4.13 我可以写一本关于维基百科的书籍么?
4.14 Does this also apply to handbooks, like "A beginner's guide to Wikipedia", aimed at community members?
Yes. But, please send us a request and we will give prompt permission when appropriate. We love Wikipedia guides!
4.15 Does it make a difference if the book is being published by an educational publisher?
No, you will need permission as well, because even educational publishers are commercial entities.
4.16 Do I need permission to show the Wikipedia marks in a film I am making for my school project?
If you are showing your film to the public, or at your school or workplace, you need permission. But we will make sure to make the permission process as easy and fast as possible.
4.17 Will I have to donate a portion of the retail price for commercial merchandise?
No. But you will have to tell your customers if you do not donate your profits.
4.18 What do I have to say if I am donating a portion of my proceeds to the Wikimedia Foundation?
Just clearly state what portion of your proceeds will be given to the Wikimedia Foundation. You can, for example, say: "X% of your purchase will be donated to the Wikimedia Foundation."
4.19 Where should I state how much of my proceeds will be donated?
We recommend placing the notice right next to the purchase price, where it will be clearly visible to all buyers.
4.20 Do I need to mention donations to the Wikimedia Foundation if I do not donate anything at all?
Yes. You should state that 0% of your profits will go to the Wikimedia Foundation. Otherwise, users may mistakenly believe that you are doing fundraising for the Foundation.
5 禁止使用的情况
5.1 Can I make a fake Wikipedia article if it is intended as a joke?
There are exceptions where this is permissible, but they are very limited. You will likely not fall under such an exception if your mimicking site has any commercial background. Please refer to the section on Parodies. Most importantly, you must make sure that no one (really no one!) could confuse your site with any part of a Wikimedia site.
5.2 How do I distinguish between a prohibited mimicking site and a parody site?
Here is an example of a mimicking site: Contrary to the Wikipedia guidelines, you create an article on Wikipedia about yourself or your organization. For unknown reasons, "your" article is deleted. This makes you mad. You register the domain "businesspedia.org" and design a website that looks just like the Wikipedia article that just got deleted, including a link to your own website. You are happy to attract more traffic to it by confusing internet users. Booo!
An example of parody site: Imagine you have a great friend called Rory and his birthday is coming up. You register the domain "rorypedia.org" and design a website that looks just like a humorous Wikipedia biography on your friend Rory. Since you do not want anyone to confuse "Rorypedia" and Wikipedia, you put a bright colored bar on the top of your site saying, "This page is a present for Rory from his awesome friends and not affiliated with Wikipedia. Happy birthday, Rory!" And you take down the site once the birthday party is over. Yaaay!
5.3 How do I avoid mimicking Wikimedia sites when I use the MediaWiki software?
All wikis using MediaWiki do in fact share certain graphic elements under the default theme, but the Wikimedia sites have certain visual features that distinguish them. Do not imitate these distinguishing features. For example, you should not use logos that are confusingly similar to the Wikimedia marks or name your site something that sounds like a Wikimedia site. But you can use the "Powered by MediaWiki" button as that button simply describes that the wiki is powered by MediaWiki.
Be sure to directly download the MediaWiki software if you want to use it. Please do not try to blindly copy the HTML code of a Wikimedia site! If you do, you will accidentally import features from our sites, like our Terms of Use or our "contact us" details. Being contacted about problems on your unrelated website understandably makes our wonderful email response team volunteers very unhappy.
5.4 我可以在维基媒体站点的镜像站点使用标志连接么?
5.5 Can you give me some examples of misrepresentation with respect to the marks?
A misrepresentative use can be something that represents yourself. That includes using a Wikimedia logo in your logo, letterhead, or the name of your organization. Online examples are your social media avatar, favicon, and website domain.
6 报告商标滥用
6.1 你們會如何打擊侵犯商標權的行為?
Each year, we receive over 100 reports of trademark violations from community members. We also employ outside contractors and legal counsel to help protect our trademark portfolio globally. Within our resource constraints, our legal team pursues misuses of our marks to ensure that the Wikimedia logos remain distinctively associated with the Wikimedia community. After careful and sensitive evaluation, we send out cease-and-desist letters, which are usually effective. In the few instances that cannot be resolved by other means, we consider litigation to protect the marks.
6.2 Who is responsible for enforcing Wikimedia's trademarks?
Trademark enforcement is currently handled by the Wikimedia Foundation legal team to ensure consistency and compliance with trademark law. But we rely on the Wikimedia community to help us identify potential trademark infringements.
6.3 What happens when you receive a report of a potential trademark infringement?
When we receive a complaint that our trademarks are being misused, we first send a confirmation to the person submitting the complaint. Potential infringements are then logged into our system. The legal team then combs through each of those complaints to investigate the alleged infringement. We visit the site personally to make sure the complaint has merit. Then we apply US trademark law in assessing whether there is actual "misuse" and it is a valid infringement of the trademark. In general, the standard of "misuse" in US law is whether the use of the trademark is "confusingly similar" to the Wikimedia Foundation's use of the trademark. In other words, will the potential infringers use of the trademark confuse users into thinking their site is sponsored by or hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation? We always contact the potential infringer first to see if they will voluntarily stop using our marks or work with us to make their use less confusing. If we are unable to work things out informally, and they refuse to comply with a cease and desist letter, we decide whether to move forward with litigation to stop the infringement.
6.4 Can I send a cease and desist letter on behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation when I find misuse?
Please do not. We really appreciate your help with trademark enforcement, but please report any misuses to us so that we can determine what action is appropriate.
7 商标政策的修订
7.1 Why can you just change the FAQ section?
The FAQs are not part of the trademark policy. We created them to help you understand the policy. We want to add new questions from the community in the future and to clarify any answers users may find confusing. That is why we want to be able to update the FAQs easily.
7.2 What if I do not agree with the changes to the policy?
We encourage you to share your comments and concerns with us during the community feedback period following any announced changes. We will take all comments under careful advisement and ensure that any changes to our policy are consistent with our mission.
8 其他问题
8.1 什么是“无效授权”?
Failure to exercise quality control in trademark licensing is referred to as "naked licensing," and can sometimes result in loss of trademark rights.
8.2 什么是视觉识别方针?
They are a set of guidelines you should follow when using any of the Wikimedia marks. These guidelines ensure that the marks always look their best and are not distorted in any way.
8.3 How do the Visual Identity Guidelines relate to the trademark policy?
The Visual Identity Guidelines are a separate document from the trademark policy and can be revised without notice. These guidelines help to make sure the Wikimedia marks are always used consistently with the same level of quality. Consistent use is important in order for us to maintain protection over the Wikimedia marks. It helps avoid confusion among users that may view marks similar to the Wikimedia marks. If Wikimedia marks are displayed consistently, users can be sure when they are viewing actual Wikimedia content instead of an imposter site.
8.4 我有更多问题如何提问?