Foursquare helps you find the perfect places in Anchorage to go with friends:

  • 9.0

    Bear Tooth Grill

    Lounge 1230 W 27th Ave Anchorage, AK

    People also say (44 tips):

    • ᴡ H.
      ᴡ Handy: "Do the dinner and a movie but make sure you get there plenty early! Tickets go fast for night showings. Unbelievable pizza."
  • 8.9

    Glacier BrewHouse

    Brewery 737 W 5th Ave Anchorage, AK

    People also say (140 tips):

    • Kristina Y.
      Kristina Younker: "Wonderful food & fantastic environment. Definitely recommend the rockfisf! The peanut butter pie is a must for dessert, it's like nothing I've tried & positively delicious#"
  • 9.2

    Beluga Point

    Scenic Lookout Seward Hwy Anchorage, AK

    People also say (8 tips):

    • Wes S.
      Wes Skinner: "The vistas are different daily, and even vary hour to hour as the tides and weather sweeping down Turnagain Arm change. Good spot to stop!"
  • 9.0

    Anchorage Museum

    Art Museum 625 C St Anchorage, AK

    People also say (36 tips):

    • Janelle B.
      Janelle Bostic: "My son, daughter-in-law and grandson-age 6 and I spent 4.5 hours here. Even the 6yo artistic exhibits! !!! Wonderful exhibits. A great place to see the other side of Alaska...the culture and history."
  • 9.3

    Moose's Tooth Pub & Pizzeria

    Pizzeria 3300 Old Seward Hwy Anchorage, AK

    People also say (161 tips):

    • Brent G.
      Brent Gatewood: "Yep - this is the real deal. Pizza is good and the beer is tasty. Can’t go wrong with the pepperoni and a nice IPA..."
  • 8.9

    Arctic Roadrunner

    Burger Joint 5300 Old Seward Hwy Anchorage, AK

    People also say (19 tips):

    • Renee J.
      Renee Jolicoeur-Pagel: "I sit at the table where my uncle teds picture is . Which is right around the corner as u go in the front dour take an immediate left then right 1st table. Food is great"

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