Flat Perch

Flat Perches allow your bird

to stretch out their toes.

Shop Flat Perches

Mobile Bird Grooming in Arizona

Custom Order’s Encouraged


To Donate Feathers to Tribal Craftspeople

email Paul Pounder: eponder@gmail.com

A relaxing spot for your birds
to roost and rest.

 Flat perches put the foot in a relaxed position. Flat Perch is owned by bird lovers. A company that specializes in safe products, made by hand in the USA. Our products are designed to help all your feathered friends whether they are disabled birds, older birds or just to need a place to stretch out there toes. All wood is Non Toxic all Fittings are Stainless Steel. We offer a variety of perches to choose from. Also available Pillow Top Sheets, Bolsters, Ramps and Dining Tables to help older and disabled Birds. Hard to find Organic and Pesticide Free Bird Foods and Seed, Supplement’s Sprays and parts to help in Perch making.

American Handmade Flat Perches Non Toxic Wood, All Stainless-Steel Fittings

 We sand all our Perches, and use Non Toxic Wood, All Stainless-Steel fittings and the correct size washers, with 2 washers on each screw. We offer a variety of perches to make sure your bird can find a relaxing spot to roost and rest. Our Flat Perches are especially good for Older and Disabled Birds. Our Perches provide safety, functionality and joyful time for your birds.

  • Pillow Top Sheet 8 x 16
    Pillow Top Sheet for 8x 16 Flat Perch Shelf

Personalized Service

Whether you are looking for a Specific Perch for your Older or Disabled Bird or if you are just looking for a Perch of Different Build and Structure for any variety of bird, we do offer Custom-Build Perches. Here at Flat Perch we strive to meet the needs of birds so you can create a zone where birds can enjoy it the most. If you didn’t find the best product you are looking for, please feel free to give us a call, and we can Custom Design one that is most suitable for your chirpy pet. Our quality perches are handmade right here in Dewey, Arizona. Contact Us

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