Realistic Animated Carrion Crow Bas-poly Modèle 3D
- Formats disponibles: Blender: blend 33.16 MB
Render: CyclesCinema4D: c4d 17.81 MBCollada: dae 8.03 MBAutodesk FBX: fbx 24.55 MB3DS MAX: max 9.97 MB
Render: ArnoldUnreal Engine: uasset 28.45 MBImage Textures: tga 29.78 MBUnity 3D: unitypack 38.35 MB3DS MAX: max 38.35 MBMaya: mb 5.93 MB
Render: Arnold
- Polygones:36699
- Sommets:58758
- Animé:
- Textures:
- Installé:
- Matériaux:
- Bas-poly:
- Collection:No
- cartographie UVW:
- Plugins Utilisé:No
- Prêt à imprimer:No
- 3D Balayage:No
- Contenu adulte:No
- PBR:
- IA Formation:No
- Géométrie:Polygonal
- UVs non enveloppés:Overlapping
- Vus:728
- Date: 2024-07-21
- ID de produit:518119
- Rating:
Animated Carrion Crow with realistic animations,
please look at the videos below, you can see the animations and how it works in different software.
All animations in a rendered video:
in Maya:
in 3DS Max:
in Cinema4D:
in Blender:
in Unity:
in UnrealEngine:
LOD information (count, number of levels)
Polygons_LOD0: 36,699 (Verts_LOD0: 58,758)
Polygons_LOD1: 14,540 (Verts_LOD1: 14,750)
Polygons_LOD2: 7,388 (Verts_LOD2: 7,497)
Polygons_LOD3: 2,260 (Verts_LOD3: 2,387)
high-resolution (4k) PBR textures
Diffuse map
Normal map
AO map
Specular map
Roughness map
Alpha map
Available Formats:
Maya 2024 (Arnold Material)
3DS-Max 2024 (Arnold Material + Default Physic Material)
Cinema4D 2023 (Standard Material)
Blender 4.0 (Cycles Material)
Collada Dae
Unreal Engine 5.4.2
Unity 2022.3.10 (with a C# controller script)
34 different animations. List of the animations and the frames(30 fps):
walking: 2-65
running: 67-94
hopping: 96-10
startFlying: 111-137
soaring: 138-153
flying: 170-185
gliding(GlidingWithTransitionFromFlying): 186-365
gliding(notFlapping): 195-355
gettingHit_Part1_DyingInTheAir: 366-397
gettingHit_Part2_Falling: 398-411
gettingHit_Part3_HittingTheFloor: 412-455
flyingTransitionToDescending: 457-472
descending: 473-488
landing: 489-525
jumping: 525-543
eating: 544-706
cawing: 801-880
pooping: 881-978
lookingAround: 979-1208
yawning: 1209-1247
sleeping_Part1_tendingToSleep: 1248-1440
sleeping_Part2_loopSleeping: 1440-1480
sleeping_Part3_wakingUp: 1481-1523
stretching: 1524-1582
cleaningItsWing: 1583-1646
cleaningBackFeathers: 1647-1742
cleaningChestFeathers: 1743-1860
cleaningBeakWithFoot : 1861-2000
attacking: 2001-2030
gettingHit_DyingOnTheGround: 2031-2069
dancing: 2073-2293//(2070-2306)
flying_TurningLeft: 2310-2325
flying_TurningRight: 2328-2343
gliding_TurningLeft: 2345-2505
gliding_TurningRight: 2507-2667
The model is rigged, but it hasn't rig controllers, if you need to create some new animations or edit current animations, you can do it by the joints (armatures).
I made all the animations the same way.
Don't hesitate to get in touch with me if you need any help.
Si vous avea besoin d’\autre format veuillez ouvrir un billet d’\assistance et demandez le. Nous pouvons convertir les modèles de 3D en: .stl, .c4d, .obj, .fbx, .ma/.mb, .3ds, .3dm, .dxf/.dwg, .max. .blend, .skp, .glb. Nous ne convertissons pas les scènes 3D et des formats tels que .step, .iges, .stp, .sldprt.!