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Armin Schwegler et Kate Green, Palenquero (Creole Spanish) - Comparative creole syntax. Parallel outlines of 18 creole grammars, 2007 → consulter le sur APICS

  • BIBEX format:
 address   = {London},
 author    = {Schwegler, Armin and Green, Kate},
 booktitle = {Comparative creole syntax. Parallel outlines of 18 creole grammars},
 editor    = {Holm, John and Patrick, Peter},
 key       = {Schwegler & Green 2007},
 pages     = {273-306},
 publisher = {Battlebridge},
 series    = {Westminster Creolistics Series 7},
 title     = {Palenquero (Creole Spanish)},
 type      = {Bibliographical record},
 year      = {2007}