A backpack which is also known as a booksack, rucksack, knapsack and bookbag is a frameless form, in its simplest form made of cloth. It is a sack of cloth carried on one's back and is secured with two straps that go over the shoulders, even though it can have an external frame and internal frame along with bodypacks. These are generally used by students and hikers, and are often preferred over handbags for carrying heavy loads or any sort of equipment or a bundle of tools or heavy books. This is because of the limited capacity of space and strain to carry books in hand for a longer period of time. Similarly handbags are not very efficient as they are small with a single handle and exert a larger amount of pressure on the shoulder of the person carrying it. Whereas in a backpack the pressure is divided on two shoulders.
Large backpacks are made such that they can carry loads as heavy as ten kilograms. Smaller sports backpacks which are used for hiking, running, cycling, etc usually offload the largest part of the weight onto the padded hip belts, leaving the shoulder belts or straps mainly for establishing the load.

In this sub category you can download free PNG images: Bag Furniture. In this category "Bag" we have 1 free PNG images with transparent background.

  • Chairs Sofa Bed Couch Bag Bean Magenta
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