
You need a sun map of your yard

Green Thumb 101: make a sun map of your yard

Have you ever struggled to keep some plants alive in your garden? Do you painstakingly place them in the ground, only to watch them slowly wither and die? And have you wondered why some kinds grow well for you while others are constantly sickly? Do you wish you could figure out the secret sauce to growing plants successfully in your garden every time? What you probably already know is that all plants need some combination of three things to grow…

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Start seeds indoors using items around the house

If this is your first time starting your veggies from seeds, you don’t need to spend a fortune to be successful. In fact, it can be a rather frugal undertaking.
For starters, save your money on seed starter kits.
Instead of spending money on seed starter kits at the store, you can easily make your own!
And you can make them with items you probably already have in your home right now!

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How to Save on Birthday Gifts for Kids

Do your kids get invited to a lot of birthday parties?
If your family is like ours, between friends and family, it’s probably not uncommon to have some months with multiple parties for kiddos!
Of course, each one of those parties has an aging guest of honor who needs a gift from your child and/or family.
Oh, the happy and fun times!
Oh, the budgeting horrors!
But what if I told you all those parties didn’t have to be a strain on your family’s budget?

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