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Female · Owned by BlAcKiE DNO and is worth 3 coins. · Joined on February 17, 2008 · Born on December 23rd · 14 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 5 different people have a crush on me!
Female · Owned by BlAcKiE DNO and is worth 3 coins. · Joined on February 17, 2008 · Born on December 23rd · 14 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 5 different people have a crush on me!

Hi all, A little about me

I am not here trying to hook-up

So please save your pickup lines

I am just trying to hang out with friends

Listening to music to have a good time.

I don’t need to know your real name

And no I am not telling you mine

I am not interested in seeing your NSFW pics

And no, I don’t care about your dick size

Please miss me with all of that

It is not at all what I am here for.

If that is what you are after

Please go knock on someone else’s door

If you want to talk to me

It is probably gonna take a bit of work

Because I like the kinds of conversations

That will make most people’s brain hurt

I do like meeting new people

And I don’t mind saying Hi

But sexy-talk in my Shoutbox

Is only between me and the one guy I like.

I don't care about points or leveling...fubux are fake money to buy fake things...in the end...it does not matter.

I will try to help someone for whom it does matter if they ask...but don't beg...it is very unbecoming!!!


I believe there is no reality, only perception...how a person views the world around them is their individual reality

I believe we are all products of our experiences and only know that which we are taught...therefore I judge no one. I have not walked in their shoes and have no right to pass judgment on another individual.

I also believe you teach people how to treat you!!!

Well, that is the basics, if you made it this far and want to know more...please feel free to ask.




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Female · Owned by BlAcKiE DNO and is worth 3 coins. · Joined on February 17, 2008 · Born on December 23rd · 14 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 5 different people have a crush on me!
My Interests????

Hmmm...well, I love music, it is one of my passions...please don't ask my favorite...there are too many to list.

I enjoy reading, wish I had more time to do it...but fit it in when I can.

I write poetry when a muse descends or something inspires me...be it a sunset or an individual who captures my attention for a space in time.

I like to curl up on my couch and watch movies...love action flicks, supernatural horror movies...not blood and guts though...ewwww....drama is ok if not too predictable and romance is tolerable if there is comedy to tone it down.

That should be good enough for a start.


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    QC PHOENIX Looking for an amazing lounge? Check out Roses & Chrome! No drama, just great people and great music!!! https://fubar.com/lounge/59106
    2 months ago · Comment

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