Weekly Challenge Scoreboard: #106
Lifetime Weekly Challenge Scoreboard: #795
Lifetime VIP Weekly Challenge Scoreboard: #784
VIP Weekly Challenge Scoreboard: #164
Top Bangers: #435
Bling Likers: #171
Top Polishers: #493
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Thanks for coming on my page but before u go any further lets get a couple things straight im a fun loving girl that can be a bitch just like the rest if not better when u piss me off so if u wanna stay on my good side try to avoid doing that...I have 5 amazing kids that are my life and my world and noone or anything will come before them so if u cant deal kids or with a mom that has kids then u need to leave my page now...Im no model or beauty queen im a real girl that can be ur best friend or ur worse enemy period and I will not put up with BULLSHIT DRAMA GAMES OR LIES if i want that i will go play the game call life...Im a big flirt that will never try to take anyones man from them its all in good fun so girls calm down i dont want ur man i can promise u that...Now for the men if u want something with me or want to try something with me then u better be real in what u say and how u act cause im not playing games with anyone i have nothing to hide at all i dont need to hide a thing from anyone and if u do well then u need to find someone else to try and play cause i will tell u this u will get caught...No not all men nor women are the same so i dont judge anyone by their cover i judge by ur actions and i would expect u to do the same with me...I dont fall easy for anyone but when i do i give my all to them and will do everything in my power to make them happy but if u cant do the same for me well then dont even bother...So now that u know a lil about me if u still wanna hang around go right ahead but if not thats cool to ur loss my gain :)
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