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47 Year Old · Male · From Oshkosh, WI · Joined on May 21, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on October 25th · 7 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!
47 Year Old · Male · From Oshkosh, WI · Joined on May 21, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on October 25th · 7 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!

Hey what can I say I'm totally Psychotic! I'm almost always bouncing off the walls, doing or saying something so random that no one can keep up with me half the time lol. My attitude is Fu*k you if you don't like me, go find someone else to whine to he he he. Yes most of the time I am wild and crazy, with an even odd sense of humar, but sometimes Im brooding and serious! It all depends on when you catch me (and how much caffiene i've drank lol).

47 Year Old · Male · From Oshkosh, WI · Joined on May 21, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on October 25th · 7 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!

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Yes as you can see I have a dragon Fetish!

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Yes I also love Horror and blood, Guts and all that other nice stuff Lmao, this pic is for you sick Bast*rds out there who love it to!

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Yes like most people I have the drawing talent of a 2 year old, hiped up on sugar and caffiene! But I still know a good piece of Art when I see it!

I listen to alot of different kinds of music, it all depends on who im with, and what they want to listen to, or my overall mood in general. But when im alone I usually listen to techno, little rap, classic rock, rock, and metal. Allthough my musical tastes widly vary. These are my favorite to listen to. ICP RULES

Techno - Prodigy, Paul Oakenfield, DJ Keoki, Crystal Method

Rap - Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, Wu Tang Clan, Easy E, 50 Cent.

Classic Rock - Boston, AC DC, Aerosmith, Iron Butterfly, Led Zepplin.

Rock - Evenesance, Korn, Disturbed, Everclear, Offspring

Metal - Old school Metallica, (not that newwer shit, black album back), Pantera, Hatebreed, Rob Zombie, Cradle of Filth.

Horror, Action, Fantasy, Anime, you name it I watch it.

A Few Personal Favorites:

Comedy: Space Balls, Blazing Saddles, Robin Hood Men in Tights, Top Secret, Clue.

Fantasy: The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings Trilogy (Great movies, exept the ending of the third and final movie deviated from the Book and really sucked), The Dark Crystal, some others I forget right now.

Horror: Resident Evil, Resident Evil Appocalypse, Ghost Ship, House of 1000 Corpses, The Devil's Rejects.

Scfi: The Chronocals of Riddick Trilogy, Star Wars Episodes 1-6, Utra Violet, Aeon Flux.

Anime: Akira, Blade Runner, Final Fantasy VII Advent Children, Battle Angel, Dragon Ball Series.

As you can see my Idols are not sports althlete's, musicians, movies stars or what not! I mean come on seriously here has Micheal Jordan ever called you up to see if your doing ok? Has Angelina Jolie stopped by your house to see you and to hang out? The obvious answer is HELL NO! People idolize these Celebreties because they are famous, have what we all want money, fame, a hot signifigant other or been through what you are going through! But ask yourselves this, who has helped them them through the bad times so they can enjoy the good, the answer obviously is there true friends!

Without our true friends where would we be, still at home jacking off to the supposed pantie shot of Britney Spears, or sitting there hugging our knees humming to ourselves bored as all hell! I'm not talking about people who are only with you for the good times, but the the bad ones they just poof and disapear, I mean the ones who are there by your side through thick and thin, no matter what they are always there to help and guide you, and be a shoulder to lean on for support!

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