Furry Logic

Badness, Scrappy, Tucker and Daisy Speak Out

The DOG has updated her blog November 26, 2008

Filed under: Cats — furrylogic @ 8:38 pm
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The felines in this family are experimenting with different layouts in Blogger.  

And…the sun is out! Now we are warm and content as all felines should be.


Where is the Sun? November 25, 2008

Filed under: Cats — furrylogic @ 9:22 pm
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All of our sunny spots on the bed are cold.  The cat tree in the kitchen is dreary.  Who took our sun!?  Doesn’t the sky know we cats need our sun to be happy and warm.  We need the sun to warm our fur.  We need the sun so we can see mysterious things dancing in its beams.  We need the sun to make our whiskers glisten in its rays.  We need the sun to make our eyes all slitty.

Where is our sun?


What is this cat thinking!? November 18, 2008

Filed under: Cats — furrylogic @ 10:50 pm

Vodpod videos no longer available.

more about "What is this cat thinking!?", posted with vodpod


Cat Bite Update November 11, 2008

Filed under: Cats — furrylogic @ 5:14 am
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The Mother’s hand is all healed up now.  Just two small dots where Avery’s teeth went in.  We have the Mother so well trained she wasn’t even upset about the bite.  She apologized to Avery for not respecting him.  Avery’s Mother was very upset about it.  Since she is our neighbor she didn’t want Avery’s behavior to create bad feelings.  The Mother also felt responsible for what happened.  So in the end, Avery’s Mother paid for half of the hospital bill.  We think that was very NICE of her.  The Mother didn’t feel right asking for more. 

So everything is okay now.  Avery is under a life sentence of house arrest.  No more outside for him.  The Mother said that is better for him anyways.  No one wants him to be run over.  “Better inside and fat, than outside and flat.”


Kitties – beware of how hard you bite! November 8, 2008

Filed under: Cats,Dogs,Pets,Serious Stuff — furrylogic @ 6:05 pm

I am not saying we don’t bite.  Sometimes we need to resort to the well applied bite to get our point across. Like “leave my feet alone!”  “if you don’t stop ruffling my tummy fur….”.  However, we can take it too far. 

Did you know that we kitties, and woofies too, have something called Pasteurella  in our mouths.  It is a bacteria that can cause minor infections or major if left untreated.  The Mother found this out the hard way.

This is the Mother's hand after a cat bite

This is the Mother

Our neighbor cat, Avery, who is a stinker, came into our house and tried to fight with us.  The Mother, not using her brain, grabbed him, when he was hissing and spitting.  He got even madder and bit her really hard on the hand.  REALLY hard.  He went through her skin and into the muscles underneath.
The Mother cleaned and washed the bites.  She thought that would be enough.  But then it started to swell around the bite and hurt.  The night this happened she went the the emergency room.  They gave her antiobiotics and sent her home.
By the next night, her hand was swollen up.  The Mother says it looked like a baseball mitt.  It was bright red and the swelling was spreading up her fingers and down her wrist.  Plus, it was ooozing yucky stuff out of the bite. 
She went back to the hospital and she ended up spending 3 days there!!!!  The doctors put her on heavy-duty antiobiotics and wrapped up her arm so the swelling wouldn’t spread.  Fortunately, the infection responded fast which was lucky.  The doctors told our Mother that infections like that in the hand can be very, very dangerous.  It could have resulted in multiple surgeries to clean out the infection and reduced usabilty with her hand.  That scared the Mother.
We kitties would have missed her more but the Grandpa came and took the DOG away sooo…we had a bit of a partay while the DOG was gone.  The DOG spent those days being spoiled by the Grandparents. UGH!
The lesson’s learned:
  • Humans should be more careful when handling mad kitties.
  • We kitties shouldn’t bite so hard.  Bites should be used to make a statement not put in the hospital



Looked what came home with the DOG October 28, 2008

Filed under: Cats — furrylogic @ 4:37 pm

Another DOG!!!

The DOG that came home with the DOG

 Can you believe it!?  Like one isn’t enough! 

 The Mother spent all evening calling people and hanging on to the DOG so he wouldn’t go away.  We wanted him to go away!  The Mother said he was a nice dog and knew how to sit.  So?  We can sit too.  We sit all the time!

Anyways, the Mother called his microchip number.  The AVID people said they would call his people and have his people call our people.  No word yet.  The Mother says his tags are from Los Angeles CA, which is a long ways from here, and thay his people probably didn’t update his information.  That makes her sad.

The Mother didn’t know what to do with the DOG.  He certainly couldn’t come into the house but it was to cold outside for him to stay out there.  In the end, the neighbor’s daughter came and took him home.  She will keep him until his people show up.  If they don’t she is going to keep him.  GOOD.  We don’t want him here.  Neither does our DOG! 

Our DOG was throwing such a fit!!  You should have heard the ruckus!  She made our ears hurt with all her whining, crying and yipping.


Saying HI! October 24, 2008

Filed under: Cats,Dogs,Friends,Fun,Pets — furrylogic @ 6:11 pm
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We have been on Facebook for a little while now with just a few friends and now all of a sudden we are running into many old friends from the Cat Blogosphere!  How is everyone doing??

Scrappy and I have been very busy.  As all felines know, running a house is hectic work.  It requires lots of naps, treats, and stinky goodness to keep us going.  The Mother has been particulary unmanageable.  She mutters something about working overtime and needing to walk the dog no matter what the weather.  All it means, is we felines are getting the short end of the attention stick!  So we make her pay by barfing loudly under her bed at night.  

The Mother has also been making Tucker wear Soft Paws.  He hates them and pulls them off but the Mother is determined about it.  Scrappy and I take off as soon as the Mother brings out the equipment.  Unfortunately, Scrappy wasn’t fast enough and now she has them too.  The Mother tried me but I showed her who is the real boss in our house.   She doesn’t want to spend another three days in the hospital from a cat bite.  That is another story and another post.  Needless to say, the Mother put me down and said “)*&$#(*!&%(&Q#() cats!”, then gave us all chicken treats.  Badness 1, the Mother 0.

We need to get back to blogging again.  So much is going on in the Cat Blogosphere and we miss being a part of the action! 

Head bonks and kitty kisses to all of you!


Wordless Wednesday December 19, 2007

Filed under: Cats,Dogs,Wordless Wednesday — furrylogic @ 6:31 pm

Updates!!! December 18, 2007

Filed under: Cats,Dogs,Friends,Fun,Pets — furrylogic @ 6:25 pm

It has been along time since we updated our blog!  Wow, weeks and weeks!  We hope everyone is doing well!

First, the bad:

We were all hauled into the V-E-T to be poked and prodded.  It was Tucker’s fault, of course.  He decided he didn’t want to use a litter box that had been used by some else previously and started going OUTSIDE THE BOX!!!  The box just wasn’t clean enough for His Royal Highnessness. 

So the Mother, took him to the vet to see if something was wrong with him.  There wasn’t other than being extremely meticulous about his toilette.  But since the Mother had him at the vet she decided to have him poked and prodded ie vaccinated and microchipped.  The Mother thought it would be a bright idea for all of us felines to be poked. 

She was WRONG, so very very WRONG.

I, Badness, can now proudly say that my file at the V-E-T office has in bold red letters the word AGGRESSIVE written across the front.  Yes, I made the V-E-T feel tremble at the word feline.  Hell hath no fury like a cat poked! 

Scrappy was only slightly less bad than myself.  Needless to say, we cats will be treated with the proper respect in the future.

Yes, we still have a D-O-G.  :::shudders in disgust:::

The Mother makes sure we get some quiet time without the D-O-G just about everyday.  She takes the horrible beast for walks and runs.  Our Mother has developed this strange habit of exerting herself vigorously all up and down the neighborhood.  She RUNS!!!!  Basically embarrassing us cats but as long as the D-O-G is out of our fur, we can cope.

Now, the Good:

Still getting Stinky Goodness every morning.

Lots of good nip.

New feather toys.

New window Perches!

Anything else, Scrappy? No?

We have very boring lives.


Blush! July 20, 2007

Filed under: Cats — furrylogic @ 9:59 pm


Ahem…well…uh….we got busted.  We got busted for teleporting into Mother’s work and spending so much time on the internet.  The Bossman got upset.  Sooo….we are going to have to be very sneaky until the Mother coughs up the dough for internet access at home. 


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