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Tool Guides

Artisan Tool Guides

We spend a lot of time here at Garrett Wade thinking about tools. Over the years, in addition to bringing you the finest products from around the world, we've also written extensively about the artisan tools we offer, the stories behind them, and advice on how to get the most out of using them.

Among our tool guides,you'll find a selection of that writing, broken into two parts: Technique & Overviews, and Instructions. We hope you find this section useful. We'll keep adding to it, so keep checking back.

We'd love to hear your questions and comments about the artisan tools we've covered here, as well as your suggestions for topics you'd like us to cover. Please email our customer service department at (Click Here to Email) and we will direct it to one of our knowledgeable product experts who will respond in a timely manner. Explore our tool guide for the most up to date information on specific products.

(*Note: These documents are PDF's and Require Adobe Acrobat Reader)

Instruction, Technique & Overviews

Product Guides


Workshop Tools



Home + Office


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