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Last active December 24, 2024 10:09
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Script to get list of docker container that used a particular GPU, based on nvitop –
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from typing import Dict
from nvitop import Device, GpuProcess, NA
import docker
from rich.console import Console
from rich.table import Table
from rich import box
docker_client = docker.from_env()
console = Console()
def get_container(searched_pid):
Get the container ID of a process with a given PID.
searched_pid (int): The PID of the process to search for.
str: The ID of the container that contains the process with the given PID.
Returns None if no container is found.
# get the list of all containers
containers = docker_client.containers.list()
# iterate trough the list of containers
for container in containers:
# get the list of processes running inside the container
processes =
list_of_processes = processes["Processes"]
# iterate through the list of processes
for process in list_of_processes:
pid = process[1]
# check if the pid is the searched_pid
if pid == searched_pid:
return None
def add_value(list_var, value):
Adds a value to a list variable.
list_var (list): The list variable to which the value will be added.
value: The value to be added to the list.
list: The updated list variable with the value added.
list_var += f'\n{value}' if list_var else f'{value}'
return list_var
table_docker = Table(show_header=True, header_style="cyan bold", show_lines=True, box=box.SQUARE_DOUBLE_HEAD)
table_docker.add_column("GPU #")
table_docker.add_column("Container ID")
table_docker.add_column("Container Name")
table_docker.add_column("Container Image")
# table_docker.add_column("Command")
devices = Device.all() # or `Device.cuda.all()` to use CUDA ordinal instead
for device in devices:
processes = device.processes() # type: Dict[int, GpuProcess]
sorted_pids = sorted(processes.keys())
pids = containers = images = cpus = mems = cmds = container_ids = gpu_mems = ""
for pid in sorted_pids:
gpu_process = processes[pid]
container_id = get_container(str(pid))
gpu_mem = gpu_process.gpu_memory_percent()
cpu_percent = gpu_process.cpu_percent()
memory_percent = round(gpu_process.memory_percent(), 2)
command = gpu_process.command()
container_id = None
gpu_mem = 0
cpu_percent = 0
memory_percent = 0
command = "No Such Process"
pids = add_value(pids, pid)
cpus = add_value(cpus, f'{cpu_percent}%')
mems = add_value(mems, f'{memory_percent}%')
gpu_mems = add_value(gpu_mems, f'{gpu_mem}%')
# cmds = add_value(cmds, command)
if container_id:
container = docker_client.containers.get(container_id)
container_name = container.attrs["Name"].lstrip("/")
container_image = container.attrs["Config"]["Image"]
container_ids = add_value(container_ids, container_id[:12])
containers = add_value(containers, container_name)
images = add_value(images, container_image)
container_ids = add_value(container_ids, NA)
containers = add_value(containers, NA)
images = add_value(images, NA)
str(device.gpu_utilization()) + "%",
str(device.memory_percent()) + "%",
pids if pids else NA,
cpus if cpus else NA,
mems if mems else NA,
gpu_mems if gpu_mems else NA,
container_ids if container_ids else NA,
containers if containers else NA,
images if images else NA,
# cmds if cmds else NA
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