I have been working no some projects such as microbit and my most popular one, V Web. Coding has taught me many things about life and about the World Wide Web. Technology will help us in life as we advance it. I believe everyone can code so they can build their own websites, make their own games and even create apps. If you would like to visit V Web then click here.
👋 Hi, I’m @AJsuper007
👀 I’m interested in creating websites with Python, JavaScript, Ruby, HTML, CSS, Java and collaborating with the micro:bit.
🌱 I’m currently learning micro:bit and how they are used in life.
💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on using micro:bit so they can be turned into working machines.
📫 How to reach me on GitHub or Gmail: aindriusjohnson@gmail.com
😄 Pronouns: Just my username: AJsuper007 or AJ
⚡ Fun fact: I started coding when I was a child and I still am a child.