The aim of this project was to design a JavaScript project creating a SPA (single-page-application) and using the Pub/Sub pattern. It doesn't use any frameworks or libraries appart from webpack to build the bundle.
Play the game:
Group members: Cristian Kaluzsik, Alan Hunter, Simon Shephard, Alvaro Alonso.
Our group was given a brief with the following points to discuss and achieve in one week:
Create a browser game based on an existing card or dice game. Model and test the game logic and then display it in the browser for a user to interact with.
Write your own MVP with some specific goals to be achieved based on the game you choose to model.
You might use persistence to keep track of the state of the game or track scores/wins. Other extended features will depend on the game you choose.
We applied an agile aproach to our planning.
Our MVP involved really basic functionalities: One-tile ships and a basic two-player mode (one placing the ships the other destroying them). This goal was fulfilled in about two days.
The extensions improved the game offering a real two-player experience with 2 boards, several tile ships, the option to play again games and adding some audio effects that made the game more appealing.