I'm a student at the Technical University of Košice, where I'm studying to become an expert in the field of technology. With a focus on Android and Java development, I have already demonstrated my skills and dedication to the industry by developing some hobby projects. Experienced developer with 3+ years of frontend and backend development. I have experience using Google Cloud Services including Firebase services, Maps SDK, IAM. I have experience in mentoring junior team members. Speak English fluently. I have experience working both solo and in a team.
Currently I'm working on multiple full-stack commercial projects. Some of these projects:
- PegaCons - an AR app that allows you to maintain antennas and towers without hands. This app is designed for enterprise models of RealWear Navigator. Basic features: Near antennas map, identify antenna by using QR code. View your tasks and media associated with the selected antenna. Use your voice to navigate through the app. Customer: Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions Europe
- SpeakGPT - A powerful mobile assistant that utilizes latest OpenAI APIs including text generation, image generation, voice recognition and generation. Currently exists experimental support for Microsoft Windows and Desktop Google Chrome.
- CMCChat - Mobile AI assistant for disabled or elder people.
- DZS - Public transport management system
- Starting from Spring 2022 I'm a member of Board of European Students of Technology
- In 2022 I was professors assistant to help new students in our university
- Starting 2023 I'm teaching subject "Basics of algorithmization and programming"
- Starting 2024 I'm teaching subject "Programming"
Along with programming I'm interesed in: Sporting (Camping, GYM), nature, collecting minerales and crystals.