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Donna Hussey Donna-H

@nationalarchives London

Kurtis Mash kurtismash

@nationalarchives @digital-preservation London, UK

Andrew Hosgood ahosgood
Lead Frontend Developer at @nationalarchives

The National Archives Plymouth, UK

The National Archives, UK nationalarchives
Official archive of the UK government. Discover our online collections, research guides and educational resources spanning 1,000 years

Kew, London

Kalle Westerling kallewesterling
Research Application Manager at @alan-turing-institute. PhD from @cuny. Formerly RSE @Living-with-machines, Project Mgr @DHRI-Curriculum + HASTAC Scholars

The Alan Turing Institute London, UK

Archive Labs ArchiveLabs
Building the 21st century library, together.

Internet Archive, San Francisco, CA

Rainer Simon rsimon
A collector of things worth knowing and things not worth knowing.

Vienna, Austria

Living with Machines Living-with-machines
A radical collaboration between computational linguists, curators, data scientists, software engineers, geographers and historians

United Kingdom

Kerstin Arnold kerstarno
Cultural heritage professional, currently at @ArchivesPortalEuropeFoundation as COO #metadata #interoperability #openGLAM


Karen Shaw kdid
Senior Software Developer at Northwestern University Libraries

Evergreen, CO, USA

Adam J. Arling adamjarling
Senior Front-End Developer at Northwestern University Libraries - Repository and Digital Curation

Northwestern University @nulib Chicago, IL

Julien A. Raemy julsraemy
Information Specialist and Digital Humanities Practitioner. Data Scientist @SwissFederalArchives (SFA). SFA Account: @JRaemySFA

Bern, Switzerland

Régis Robineau regisrob

@biblissima - Campus Condorcet Paris, France

mat mathewjordan
Developer and designer at Northwestern University Libraries. Better to have been a beach bum...

@nulib Asheville, NC, USA

Mick Grierson micknoise
Professor of Computing

Creative Computing Institute UK

Rebecca Fiebrink fiebrink1

Goldsmiths University of London London, UK

Chris Beer cbeer

Stanford Mountain View, CA

Tom Crane tomcrane

Digirati Ltd @digirati-co-uk London

Jamie Unwin jamieu
Head of Digital Technology @TheScienceMuseum

@TheScienceMuseum London

John Stack johnstack

@TheScienceMuseum UK

Glen Robson glenrobson
IIIF Technical Coordinator

@IIIF Aberystwyth, Wales, UK

Stephen Fraser stephenwf

@digirati-co-uk Glasgow, Scotland

Benjamin Albritton blalbrit

Stanford University Libraries Stanford, CA

Josh Hadro hadro
If I'm committing on behalf of the Library of Congress, it will be as; personal projects committed as my first name dot last name @ gmail
Daniel Pett portableant
I work with technology, mainly for museums, archaeology and heritage organisations - #R #PHP #Gatsby #Python #Jekyll #React and more


Mary Chester-Kadwell mchesterkadwell
Software engineer. Love to collaborate, make stuff happen, and learn all things tech.

King's College London London

Omeka omeka

United States of America

The Programming Historian programminghistorian
The Programming Historian offers novice-friendly, peer-reviewed tutorials that help humanists learn a wide range of digital tools.
Jack Reed mejackreed

Magical Tome Denver, CO

Ryan Baumann ryanfb
Digital Humanities Developer, Duke Collaboratory for Classics Computing

@dcthree @podqueue Durham, NC

Mia mialondon
Digital curator at the British Library. Formerly lead web developer, Science Museum Group. UX, digital cultural heritage, crowdsourcing and stuff.


Jamey Hart jameyhart

Jisc Manchester, UK

Matthew Falconer MSFalconer
Frontend Developer
