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HLstatsX Community Edition πŸ₯‡ PHP 8 and GeoIP2 supported. Dockerized 🐳


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HLstatsX : Community Edition

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HLstatsX Community Edition is an open-source project licensed under GNU General Public License v2 and is a real-time stats and ranking for Source engine based games. HLstatsX Community Edition uses a Perl daemon to parse the log streamed from the game server. The data is stored in a MySQL Database and has a PHP frontend.

Counter-Strike 2 is supported (mostly), via source-udp-forwarder.

πŸ“’ Important changes

Date Description Additional information
07.01.2020 #45 GeoIP2 Linux script updated, GeoLite2 MaxMind database (GDPR and CCPA)

Date format: DD.MM.YYYY

πŸ“– Documentation

πŸ’¬ Help

Usage (docker)

web image (See ./src/web/config.php for supported environment variables):

docker run --rm -it -e DB_ADDR=db -e DB_NAME=hlstatsxce -e DB_USER=hlstatsxce -e DB_PASS=hlstatsxce -p 80:80 startersclan/hlstatsx-community-edition:1.11.3-web

daemon image:

# Use --help for usage
docker run --rm -it -p 27500:27500/udp startersclan/hlstatsx-community-edition:1.11.3-daemon --db-host=db:3306 --db-name=hlstatsxce --db-username=hlstatsxce --db-password=hlstatsxce #--help

Docker Compose

To deploy using Docker Compose:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.example.yml up
# `web` is available at http://localhost:8081 or
# `phpmyadmin` is available at http://localhost:8083 or

# You may need to add these DNS records in the hosts file
echo '' | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
echo '' | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
  • install.sql is mounted in mysql container which automatically installs the DB only on the first time. If you prefer not to mount install.sql, you may manually install the DB by logging into PHPMyAdmin and importing the install.sql there.
  • traefik serves HTTPS with a self-signed cert. All HTTP requests are redirected to HTTPS.

Upgrading (docker)

  1. To be safe, stop the daemon.
  2. Upgrade web:
    1. Bump the docker image to the latest tag
    2. Login to the web Admin Panel, there should be a notice to upgrade the DB. Click the HLX:CE Database Updater button to begin upgrading. The upgrade may take a while.
    3. After a few moments, you should see messages that the DB was successfully upgraded
  3. Upgrade daemon:
    1. Simply bump the docker image to the latest tag


To use Docker Compose v2, use docker compose instead of docker-compose.

# 1. Start Counter-strike 1.6 server, source-udp-forwarder, HLStatsX:CE stack
docker-compose up --build
# HLStatsX:CE web frontend available at http://localhost:8081/. Admin Panel username: admin, password 123456
# phpmyadmin available at http://localhost:8083. Root username: root, root password: root. Username: hlstatsxce, password: hlstatsxce

# 2. Once setup, login to Admin Panel at http://localhost:8081/?mode=admin. Click HLstatsX:CE Settings > Proxy Settings, change the daemon's proxy key to 'somedaemonsecret'
# This enables gameserver logs forwarded via source-udp-forwarder to be accepted by the daemon.
# Then, restart the daemon.
docker-compose restart daemon

# 3. Finally, add a Counter-Strike 1.6 server. click Games > and unhide 'cstrike' game.
# Then, click Game Settings > Counter-Strike (cstrike) > Add Server.
#   IP:
#   Port: 27015
#   Name: My Counter-Strike 1.6 server
#   Rcon Password: password
#   Public Address:
#   Admin Mod: AMX Mod X
# On the next page, click Apply.

# 4. Reload the daemon via Tools > HLstatsX: CE Daemon Control, using Daemon IP: daemon, port: 27500. You should see the daemon reloaded in the logs.
# The stats of the gameserver is now recorded :)

# 5. To verify stats recording works, restart the gameserver. You should see the daemon recording the gameserver logs. All the best :)
docker-compose restart cstrike

# Development - Install vscode extensions
# Once installed, set breakpoints in code, and press F5 to start debugging.
code --install-extension bmewburn.vscode-intelephense-client # PHP intellisense
code --install-extension xdebug.php-debug # PHP remote debugging via xdebug
# If xdebug is not working, iptables INPUT chain may be set to DROP on the docker bridge.
# Execute this to allow php to reach the host machine via the docker0 bridge
sudo iptables -A INPUT -i br+ -j ACCEPT

# CS 1.6 server - Restart server
docker-compose restart cstrike
# CS 1.6 server - Attach to the CS 1.6 server console. Press CTRL+P and then CTRL+Q to detach
docker attach $( docker-compose ps -q cstrike )
# CS 1.6 server - Exec into container
docker exec -it $( docker-compose ps -q cstrike) bash

# daemon - Exec into container
docker exec -it $( docker-compose ps -q daemon ) sh
# web - Exec into container
docker exec -it $( docker-compose ps -q web ) sh
# Run awards
docker exec -it $( docker-compose ps -q awards) sh -c /
# Generate heatmaps
docker exec -it $( docker-compose ps -q heatmaps) php /heatmaps/generate.php #--disable-cache=true
# db - Exec into container
docker exec -it $( docker-compose ps -q db ) sh

# Test
./test/ dev 1

# Test production builds locally
./test/ prod 1

# Dump the DB
docker exec $( docker-compose ps -q db ) mysqldump -uroot -proot hlstatsxce | gzip > hlstatsxce.sql.gz

# Restore the DB
zcat hlstatsxce.sql.gz | docker exec -i $( docker-compose ps -q db ) mysql -uroot -proot hlstatsxce

# Stop Counter-strike 1.6 server, source-udp-forwarder, HLStatsX:CE stack
docker-compose down

# Cleanup
docker-compose down
docker volume rm hlstatsx-community-edition_db-volume


./ "1.2.3"
git add .
git commit -m "Chore: Release 1.2.3"


Q: Xdebug: [Step Debug] Could not connect to debugging client. Tried: host.docker.internal:9000 (through xdebug.client_host/xdebug.client_port) appears in PHP logs on docker-compose up

A: If you are seeing this in development, the PHP debugger is not running. Press F5 in vscode to start the PHP debugger. If you don't need debugging, set XDEBUG_MODE=off in docker-compose.yml to disable XDebug.


HLstatsX Community Edition πŸ₯‡ PHP 8 and GeoIP2 supported. Dockerized 🐳







No releases published


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  • PHP 59.5%
  • SourcePawn 14.9%
  • Perl 12.2%
  • Pawn 5.6%
  • JavaScript 2.9%
  • CSS 2.7%
  • Other 2.2%