Starting Sep. 5, 2020, Ivy development is moving to
IVy is a research tool intended to allow interactive development of protocols and their proofs of correctness and to provide a platform for developing and experimenting with automated proof techniques. In particular, IVy provides interactive visualization of automated proofs, and supports a use model in which the human protocol designer and the automated tool interact to expose errors and prove correctness.
On Debian-based Linux ditributions such as Ubuntu, download and install the file ms-ivy_X.X_YYYY.deb
where X.X
is the IVy version and YYYY
is the machine architecture. Use your system’s package manager to install this package, or the following commands:
$ sudo dpkg -i ms-ivy_X.X_YYYY.deb
$ sudo apt-get install -f
The first command will report missing dependencies, which will be installed by the second command.
The Windows binary distribution is in the form of a zip archive. Download the file
, where X.X
is the IVy version (this will work on both 32-bit and 64 bit Intel Windows). Use Windows Explorer to extract this archive in the directory C:\
. This should give you a directory C:\ivy
. To use IVy in a command window, first execute this command:
> C:\ivy\scripts\activate
For further information on IVy, see the IVy web site.