A demo chat with Rails, StimulusReflex and CableReady
Use simple commands on the server to control client browsers in real-time
Build reactive applications with the Rails tooling you already know and love.
Build a twitter clone in 10 mins with Rails, CableReady, and StimulusReflex
Refresh ActiveRecord connection on each rack request
Epictetus / base-app
Forked from renderedtext/base-appAn app to help jumpstart a new Rails app. Features Ruby 1.9, PostgreSQL, jQuery, RSpec, Cucumber, user and admin system built with Devise, Facebook login.
Epictetus / capture_stdout
Forked from svenfuchs/capture_stdoutAdds Kernel.capture_stdout(&block). Useful e.g. for testing command line tools
Epictetus / rails-composer
Forked from RailsApps/rails-composerRails Composer. The Rails generator on steroids for starter apps.
Epictetus / gitflow
Forked from nvie/gitflowGit extensions to provide high-level repository operations for Vincent Driessen's branching model.
Epictetus / weekdays
Forked from mdarby/weekdaysRuby gem that provides methods to work with weekdays (Mon-Fri)
Epictetus / netzke-basepack
Forked from netzke/netzke-basepackPre-built Netzke widgets for your RIA
Epictetus / wifi_location
Forked from shokai/wifi_locationGet your location with WiFi Mac Address and GoogleMap.
Get your location with WiFi Mac Address and GoogleMap.
Epictetus / rack-subdomain
Forked from mattt/rack-subdomainRack middleware to transparently route requests with a subdomain to a specified path with substitutions
Epictetus / rubyception
Forked from tye/rubyceptionRubyception - Realtime Rails log in your browser
Epictetus / sexmachine
Forked from bmuller/gender_detectorGet gender from first name in ruby.
Epictetus / csv_shaper
Forked from paulspringett/csv_shaperBeautiful DSL for creating CSV output in Ruby & Rails
Epictetus / stamp
Forked from jeremyw/stampDate and time formatting for humans.
Japanese translation of Rails Girls
Epictetus / TerraTracker
Forked from Terracoding/TerraTrackerOpen source time tracking for companies and freelance.
Epictetus / whoops
Forked from flyingmachine/whoopsan event logger and interface
Epictetus / whoops_logger
Forked from flyingmachine/whoops_loggernotifier base for whoops
Rails Composer. The Rails generator on steroids for starter apps.