SynthWorks / OSVVM
- Tigard, OR
- http://synthworks.com/
Portable RISC-V System-on-Chip implementation: RTL, debugger and simulators
A tiny Open POWER ISA softcore written in VHDL 2008
Start here. Includes all other OSVVM libraries as submodules: Utility, Common, Verification Component, and Script.
AXI4 Full, Lite, and AxiStream verification components. AXI4 Interface Master, Responder, and Memory verification components. AxiStream transmitter and receiver verification components
OSVVM UART Verification Components. Uart Transmitter with error injection for parity, stop, and break errors. UART Receiver verification component with error handling for parity, stop, and break er…
Forked from wyvernSemi/CoSimOSVVM submodule for Co-simulation features
A interactive showcase of all the projects waiting for your contribution at Hacktoberfest 2022. You want to publish your projects to the contributors of Hacktoberfest? Contributions to this reposit…
Packages that implement OSVVM's model independent transactions and other shared verification component support packages. Required for all OSVVM verification components. AddressBusTransactionPkg - A…
SatCat5 is a mixed-media Ethernet switch that lets a variety of devices communicate on the same network.
A translation of the Xilinx XPM library to VHDL for simulation purposes
Turn Junit XML reports into self contained HTML reports
Code generation tool for control and status registers
🖥️ A small, customizable and extensible MCU-class 32-bit RISC-V soft-core CPU and microcontroller-like SoC written in platform-independent VHDL.
Various projects for the Nexys4DDR board from Digilent
Deprecated - This library has been replaced by OsvvmLibraries. The links to the submodules will not be updated to the new versions.
Proposal to define an XML-based logging format for outputs from EDA tools and logging libraries.
OSVVM Utility Library: AlertLogPkg, CoveragePkg, RandomPkg, ScoreboardGenericPkg, MemoryPkg, TbUtilPkg, TranscriptPkg, ...
OSVVM project simulation scripts. Scripts are tedious. These scripts simplify the steps to compile your project for simulation