This is a plugin, that allows you, to create personalized comment dividers in your code. It is inspired by section divider and comment divider for Visual Studio Code.
Use your favorite plugin manager, to install this plugin. For example, with Lazy:
return {
init = function()
local comment_divider = require("comment-divider")
-- Here you can add additional comment tokens for file extensions,
-- if they are absent from the default list. You can also overwrite
-- existing comment tokens.
c = { "/*", "*/" }, -- Overwrite default // token to /* */.
vhdl = "--", -- Add a new token for VHDL files.
local function create_section_divider()
comment_divider.insert_divider("#", 100)
local function create_section_divider_centered_text()
comment_divider.insert_divider_centered_text("-+-", 80)
-- Create a new textless divider with Alt+d in normal mode with # as the token until
-- column 100.
vim.keymap.set("n", "<A-d>", create_section_divider)
-- Create a divider with centered text with Alt+x in insert mode with -+- as the token.
vim.keymap.set("n", "<A-x>", create_section_divider_centered_text)
-- Do the same for insert mode
vim.keymap.set("i", "<A-d>", create_section_divider)
vim.keymap.set("i", "<A-x>", create_section_divider_centered_text)