One page schedule app built with Laravel 5 and VueJS.
- VueJS
- VueRouter
- VueResource (in admin panel)
- VueHead
- Material Design Light
- Laravel 5.2
- Backpack Crud (and others from Backpack stack)
- AdminLTE (with some Vue salt like multiitem fields or ctrl+s)
- GoogleGeoCoder
- Laravel-Elixir
- Webpack
- Babel
- Eslint
App don't using vuex or any other store system. Eloquent don't calculate relations in db queries. PHP gives to Vue clean collections, without relations, but every page will have all this collections at one time after first load. Relations calculating by Vue (it's amazing fast, even we'll have difficult relations) at first load. Other routing is depends on VueRouter and so we can turn off WiFi (we'll not receive some images in this situation) and go on site surfing.
app: # **Laravel 5 backend layer**
Console: # **Artisan CLI commands**
Events: # **Backend events**
Exceptions: # **Errors handling**
Http: # **HTTP kernel, routes**
Controllers: # **Responses to user (load page)**
Middleware: # **Meddling into the livecycle (reject on auth failed)**
Requests: # **Requests from user (handle form)**
Jobs: # **Jobs queue control**
Listeners: # **Listen about events**
Models: # **Entities and relations therebetween**
Policies: # **Access rules**
Providers: # **Broadcast data**
config: # **Laravel 5 config**
database: # **Data storage configuration**
factories: # **Seeding process description**
migrations: # **Creating tables**
seeds: # **Creating rows in tables**
public: # **Compiled frontend** *Webserver root*
resources: # **Frontend view layer**
admin: # **Admin sources**
components: # **VueJS components partials**
fonts: # **Webfonts**
images: # **Graphic files**
js: # **Javascripts**
sass: # **SASS**
views: # **VueJS components router views**
lang: # **Translations**
views: # **Laravel Blade views**
storage: # **Backups, cache, logs**
tests: # **Test environment**