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Final Project for CSC-6301 Introduction to Programming (2022)

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Below is the assignment overview (Grade: 98.33%)

Please solve the problem(s) alone. Please write the algorithm which is a document that can be handed over to a programmer who will be get all the information to write the code. Please include this document in a text file or Word document along with the code submitted separately. You must also implement Unit tests for the methods specified below. Remember to test your solution thoroughly. This project will take a lot of time. Start working on whatever pieces you can as soon as possible. Code that does not work correctly or does not compile will lose credit. Please submit a digital copy, by the due date and time, via Canvas. The digital copy of your code should be a zip file containing the project folder named with your last name followed by the project number (in this case final). For example, would be my zip file for the final project. Good luck! In this project you will tie together many of the concepts that you have learned throughout the course into a unified banking application. You will develop a program that performs many common bank transactions that a bank employee or customer might perform on one or more accounts.
When executed, the program will display a menu with the following choices as follows:

What do you want to do?

  1. Open an account
  2. Get account information and balance
  3. Change PIN
  4. Deposit money in account
  5. Transfer money between accounts
  6. Withdraw money from account
  7. ATM withdrawal
  8. Deposit change
  9. Close an account
  10. Add monthly interest to all accounts
  11. End Program ============================================================ The program will continuously loop and prompt the user to enter the number of the transaction to perform and then perform the transaction. If the user enters ‘11’ the program should end. If the user enters an invalid option, the program should display “Invalid choice” and let the user try again. Each option should call a method to implement the details of that transaction. That method will need to call additional methods or classes to fully complete the transaction. Details of each option/transaction are described below. The class that contains your main program will be called BankManager. You must utilize at least four additional classes. A class called Account, that represents a single bank account, a class called Bank, that represents the bank and stores all the accounts in the bank, a class called CoinCollector, that represents a coin collecting machine, and a class called BankUtility that will provide several helper methods to be used throughout your program. Details of these classes are described next. Unit tests must also be written for the specified methods.   BankManager class The BankManager class is where you will implement your ‘main’ method and start the program from. The BankManager class should create an instance of a Bank object when the program runs and use that instance to manage the Accounts in the bank. The BankManager class must implement the following methods:

• Your ‘main’ method. The main method should display the menu and continually loop, performing the transactions, until the user enters 11 to exit the program. If the user enters a number from 1-10, the program should call a method that implements the functionality for that transaction. See details of each transaction at the end of this document. • A method, ‘promptForAccountNumberAndPIN’ that takes one parameter, a Bank object that represents the bank. The method should prompt the user to enter an account number and then try to find a matching account with that account number in the bank. If an account cannot be found, the program should print “Account not found for account number: 12345678” (assuming the user entered 12345678) and return null. If an account is found, the program should then prompt the user to enter a PIN. If the PIN entered does not match the PIN for the account, then the program should print “Invalid PIN” and return null. If the PIN matches, then the method should return the Account object. This method will be needed for MOST (but not all) transactions.

CoinCollector class This class represents a machine that can count change and has one method: • A method called ‘parseChange’ that takes one parameter, a String that represents a set of coins/change. The method must look at each character in the String and calculate the amount it represents in cents as a ‘long’ and return it. The following characters represent valid coins: o ‘P’ represents a penny (1 cent) o ‘N’ represents a nickel (5 cents) o ‘D’ represents a dime (10 cents) o ‘Q’ represents a quarter (25 cents) o ‘H’ represents a half-dollar (50 cents) o ‘W’ represents a whole dollar (100 cents) At least 3 Unit tests must be written for the parseChange method   Account Class The Account class must store the following attributes: • Account number – a randomly generated 8-digit integer that cannot start with a 0 • Owner First Name – a String that contains the first name of the account owner • Owner Last Name – a String that contains the last name of the account owner • Social Security Number – a String (not an integer) that contains the 9 digits of the account owner’s social security number (Note: do not use real social security numbers – use 999 or 000 as the first three digits for this program) • PIN – a String that represents the account owner’s 4-digit personal identification number – randomly generated upon account creation and may start with one or more zeroes • Balance – a number that represents the account balance in cents.
The account class must implement the following methods: • Getters and setters to get and set each attribute as described above o (e.g. for ‘ownerFirstName’, you must implement ‘getOwnerFirstName’ and ‘setOwnerFirstName’ • A method ‘deposit’ that takes one parameter - an amount to deposit into the account as a ‘long’. The method then adds the amount to the account balance and returns a ‘long’ representing the new account balance • A method ‘withdraw’ that takes one parameter - an amount to withdraw from the account as a ‘long’. The method then subtracts the amount from the account balance and returns a ‘long’ representing the new account balance • A method ‘isValidPIN’ that takes one parameter – A String that represents a PIN. The method then compares the PIN that was passed in against the PIN that is on the account. If the PINs match, it returns true, otherwise, it returns false. • A method ‘toString’ that has no parameters but returns a String that contains the names and values of all of the attributes as follows. This method should NOT print out anything but can be invoked as part of a System.out.println elsewhere. You may add other methods as you wish to this class.

Account Number: 79543812 Owner First Name: George Owner Last Name: Washington Owner SSN: XXX-XX-1776 PIN: 3759 Balance: $0.00

At least 2 Unit tests must be written for EACH of the above methods in the Account class: • deposit • withdraw • isValidPIN

Bank Class

The Bank class must store the following attributes • An array of Accounts o The array represents all the accounts in the bank. o The bank must support up to 100 accounts when submitted • A constant that represents the number of accounts supported by the bank (you should set this to a low value during development to help test running out of accounts) The Bank class must implement the following methods: • A method, ‘addAccountToBank’, that takes one parameter, an Account object, to add to the array of accounts in the Bank. The method should iterate through all the accounts in the array until it finds an empty/null index. It should then add the account to that index in the array to represent a new account that was opened and return true to indicate the account was successfully added. If there is no more room for the Bank to accept any more accounts (i.e. there are already 100 accounts in the array). The method should print a message saying, “No more accounts available” and should return false. • A method, ‘removeAccountFromBank’, that takes one parameter, an Account object, to remove from the accounts array. The method should iterate through all the accounts in the array and try to match the account provided to the accounts in the Bank by the account number. If the account number of the provided account matches the account number of the Account in the array, then that index of the array should be marked ‘null’ to indicate that the account is closed and no longer exists. • A method, ‘findAccount’ that takes one parameter, an int representing the account number. The method should iterate through all the accounts in the array and try to match the account number provided to the accounts in the Bank by the account number. If a match is found, the Account object should be returned. If an account with the provided account number does not exist, the method should return ‘null’ to indicate a matching Account was not found • (Optional for EXTRA CREDIT): A method, ‘addMonthlyInterest’ that takes one parameter, a ‘double’ representing the percentage of the annual interest rate (e.g. if the rate is 2.5%, the value entered would be 2.5). The method should then iterate through all the accounts in the array and deposit a monthly interest payment into every account. The monthly interest for the account is calculated by taking the current balance and multiplying a monthly interest rate.

At least 2 Unit tests must be written for EACH of the above methods in the Account class: • addAccountToBank • removeAccountFromBank • findAccount • addMonthlyInterest (only if you attempt the extra credit)

BankUtility Class This class should provide several utility methods to use throughout the program: • A method isNumeric will be provided for you. You may utilize this method to determine if a String is a number. If it is a number, it will return true, otherwise, it will return false. You do NOT need and should not modify this method. It is free for you to use. • A method ‘promptUserForString’ that takes one parameter, a String that represents a prompt to print on the screen (e.g. “Enter your name”). The method should then read a line of input from the keyboard and return as a String. • A method ‘promptUserForPositiveNumber’ that takes one parameter, a String that represents a prompt to print on the screen (e.g. “Enter a number”). The method should then read a double from the keyboard. If the number is less than or equal to 0, it should print a message and say “Amount cannot be negative. Try again” and continue to loop. If the number is positive, the method should return that number as a double. • A method ‘convertFromDollarsToCents’ that takes one parameter, a double that represents an amount of money in dollars (e.g. 3.57) and converts to a long (e.g. 357) and returns it. • A method ‘generateRandomInteger’ that takes two parameters, an integer representing the minimum value and an integer representing the maximum value of the range to generate a random number for and then return the number generated as an int. For example, if you invoke generateRandomInteger(0,5), the method should return a random number from 0-5 (including both 0 and 5).

You may add additional methods to this class as needed to assist or simplify your code.

At least 2 Unit tests must be written for EACH of the above methods in the BankUtility class: • isNumeric • convertFromDollarsToCents • generateRandomInteger

Transactions For each menu option, your program should perform a different transaction as follows:

  1. Open an account For open account, the program should prompt the user to enter their first and last name and their social security number: OPEN ACCOUNT Enter Account Owner's First Name: George Enter Account Owner's Last Name: Washington Enter Account Owner's SSN (9 digits): 999741776 Once the above information is entered, a new Account object should be created, and the six fields of the Account object should be populated using the setter methods based on the criteria defined above under the Account class. Any special logic (i.e. to generate a random number) should happen BEFORE calling the setter. Once the account is initialized, the toString() method on the account should be involved to print out the Account fields as follows: ============================================================ Account Number: 75927164 Owner First Name: George Owner Last Name: Washington Owner SSN: XXX-XX-1776 PIN: 3198 Balance: $0.00 ============================================================ The program must check if an account already exists with that account number. If so, it must loop and try a different 8-digit account number until it finds a number that does not already exist as an account. It must then add this account to the array of accounts in the Bank so that Bank can keep track of it.
    Then the program returns to the main menu.

  2. Get account information and balance For ‘Get account information and balance’, the program should prompt the user to enter their account number and then the PIN for the account number. See the error messages section for the messages to display if the account number or PIN are invalid. If the account number is valid and the PIN matches the PIN on the account, the program should print the account information and balance formatted as shown below with the dollar sign and cents after the decimal. Enter account number: 75927164 Enter PIN: 3198 ============================================================ Account Number: 75927164 Owner First Name: George Owner Last Name: Washington Owner SSN: XXX-XX-1776 PIN: 3198 Balance: $0.00 ============================================================

Then the program returns to the main menu.

  3. Change PIN For ‘Change PIN’, the program should prompt the user to enter their account number and then the PIN for the account number. See the error messages section for the messages to display if the account number or PIN are invalid. If the account number is valid and the PIN matches the PIN on the account, the program should prompt the user to enter a new PIN number twice as show below. If the PIN numbers match, the PIN should be updated in the account and the “PIN updated” message should be displayed. Enter account number: 95705452 Enter PIN: 3958 Enter new PIN: 1776 Enter new PIN again to confirm: 1776 PIN updated

Then the program returns to the main menu.   4. Deposit money into account For ‘Deposit money into account’, the program should prompt the user to enter their account number and then the PIN for the account number. See the error messages section for the messages to display if the account number or PIN are invalid. If the account number is valid and the PIN matches the PIN on the account, the program should prompt the user to enter the dollars and cents to deposit as a decimal as shown below. If the amount is less than or equal to 0, print a message that says “Amount cannot be negative. Try again.” Otherwise, convert the amount entered to a long and call the deposit method on the Account. Then the program should print the updated balance of the account. Enter account number: 37658351 Enter PIN: 4444 Enter amount to deposit in dollars and cents (e.g. 2.57): 5.25 New balance:$5.25

Then the program returns to the main menu.   5. Transfer money between accounts For ‘Transfer money between accounts’, the program should prompt the user to enter their account number and then the PIN for the account number to transfer from and then the account number and PIN of the account to transfer to. See the error messages section for the messages to display if the account number or PIN are invalid. If the account numbers are valid and the PINs match the PINs on the accounts, the program should prompt the user to enter the dollars and cents to transfer as a decimal as shown below. If the amount is less than or equal to 0, print a message that says “Amount cannot be negative. Try again.” Otherwise, convert the amount entered to a long and call the withdraw method on the “from” Account and then the deposit method on the “to” Account. Then the program should print the updated balances of both accounts.

Account to Transfer From: Enter account number: 37658351 Enter PIN: 4444 Account to Transfer To: Enter account number: 36279555 Enter PIN: 8571 Enter amount to transfer in dollars and cents (e.g. 2.57): 2.50 Transfer Complete New balance in account:37658351 is:$2.75 New balance in account:36279555 is:$2.50

Then the program returns to the main menu.   6. Withdraw money from an account For ‘Withdraw money from account’, the program should prompt the user to enter their account number and then the PIN for the account number. See the error messages section for the messages to display if the account number or PIN are invalid. If the account number is valid and the PIN matches the PIN on the account, the program should prompt the user to enter the dollars and cents to withdraw as a decimal as shown below. If the amount is less than or equal to 0, print a message that says “Amount cannot be negative. Try again.” Otherwise, convert the amount entered to a long and call the withdraw method on the Account. Then the program should print the updated balance of the account.

Enter account number: 35816930 Enter PIN: 2010 Enter amount to Deposit in dollars and cents (e.g. 2.57): 123.45 New balance:$123.45

Then the program returns to the main menu.   7. Make an ATM withdrawal from an account For ‘Make an ATM withdrawal from an account’, the program should prompt the user to enter their account number and then the PIN for the account number. See the error messages section for the messages to display if the account number or PIN are invalid. If the account number is valid and the PIN matches the PIN on the account, the program should prompt the user to enter the amount to withdraw in whole dollars as a multiple of $5 as shown below.
If the amount is less than 5, greater than 1000, or not divisible by 5, print a message that says “Invalid amount. Try again.”
Otherwise, calculate the number of $20 bills, $10 bills and $5 required to equal the amount withdrawn, print the amounts on the screen and then call the withdraw method on the Account. Then the program should print the updated balance of the account. Enter account number: 37658351 Enter PIN: 4444 Enter amount to withdraw in dollars (no cents) in multiples of $5 (limit $1000): 135 Number of 20-dollar bills:6 Number of 10-dollar bills:1 Number of 5-dollar bills:1 New balance: $367.75   8. Deposit change into an account For ‘Deposit change’, the program should prompt the user to enter their account number and then the PIN for the account number. See the error messages section for the messages to display if the account number or PIN are invalid. If the account number is valid and the PIN matches the PIN on the account, the program should prompt the user to enter a String representing a set of coins as shown below.
o ‘P’ represents a penny (1 cent) o ‘N’ represents a nickel (5 cents) o ‘D’ represents a dime (10 cents) o ‘Q’ represents a quarter (25 cents) o ‘H’ represents a half-dollar (50 cents) o ‘W’ represents a whole dollar (100 cents) If any characters are invalid coins (e.g. X), the program should print “Invalid coin: X”. Otherwise, convert the String into the appropriate number of cents to a long and call the deposit method on the Account. Then the program should print the updated balance of the account. Enter account number: 47322673 Enter PIN: 4919 Deposit coins: QPDNNDXHW
Invalid coin: X $2.06 in coins deposited into account New balance: $2.06

In the above example, there are the following: 1 quarter (Q) + 2 dimes (D) + 2 nickels (N) + 1 half-dollar (H) + 1 dollar (W) + 1 penny (P) = 2.06 The ‘X’ is an invalid coin and is not counted.

Then the program returns to the main menu.   9. Close an account For ‘Close an account’ the program should prompt the user to enter their account number and then the PIN for the account number. See the error messages section for the messages to display if the account number or PIN are invalid. If the account number is valid and the PIN matches the PIN on the account, the program should look through all of the Account objects in the Bank. If a matching Account is found, the Bank should remove that Account from its set of accounts by setting it to null

Enter account number: 47322673 Enter PIN: 4919 Account 47322673 closed

If the user tries to find the account afterwards, it should not be found: Enter account number: 47322673 Account not found for account number: 47322673   10. Add monthly interest to all accounts For ‘Add monthly interest to all accounts’, the program should prompt the user to enter an annual interest rate. The program should then calculate a monthly interest payment based on the annual interest rate for each account based on its current balance and then deposit that amount into that account. In the example below, the first account had an original balance of $500, the second account had an original balance of $2500. Enter annual interest rate percentage (e.g. 2.75 for 2.75%): 1.25 Deposited interest:$0.52 into account number:47534813, new balance:$500.52 Deposited interest:$2.60 into account number:36069443, new balance:$2,502.60   11. End Program If the enters 11, the program should exit the loop and end the program.

Error Messages / Validation The following shows common error handling scenarios that could occur in many of the above transactions Invalid Account Number If an invalid account number is entered: Enter account number: 12345678 Account not found for account number: 12345678 Invalid PIN If an invalid PIN is entered: Enter account number: 10489423 Enter PIN: 5555 Invalid PIN Negative Dollar Amount If a negative dollar amount is entered (for deposit, withdrawal or transfer): Enter amount to deposit in dollars and cents (e.g. 2.57): -23.45 Amount cannot be negative. Try again. Enter amount to deposit in dollars and cents (e.g. 2.57):   PIN is not a number or not 4 digits When changing your PIN, if the PIN is not 4 digits: Enter account number: 37658351 Enter PIN: 3333 Enter new PIN: blah blah is not a number. PIN must be 4 digits, try again. Enter new PIN: PINs do not match When changing your PIN, if the PINs do not match: Enter new PIN: 1234 Enter new PIN again to confirm: 5678 PINs do not match, try again. Enter new PIN:

Insufficient Funds When attempting to withdraw or transfer funds and there is insufficient money in the account: Enter account number: 37658351 Enter PIN: 4444 Enter amount to withdraw in dollars and cents (e.g. 2.57): 100 Insufficient funds in account 37658351 SSN is not 9 digits When attempting to enter a social security number for an account and the number is not 9 digits: OPEN ACCOUNT Enter Account Owner's First Name: GK Enter Account Owner's Last Name: GgKk Enter Account Owner's Social Security Number (9 digits): 4567 Social Security Number must be 9 digits  Grading

Your grade on this assignment (300 points + 30 points extra credit) will be defined as follows: • The algorithm is written correctly enough to give all required details (20 points) • Program properly handles opening new accounts (30 points) • Program handles retrieving account information and balance (20 points) • Program handles changing the PIN number for an account (20 points) • Program handles depositing money in an account (20 points) • Program handles transferring money between accounts (30 points) • Program handles an withdrawing money from account (20 points) • Program handles an ATM withdrawal (30 points) • Program handles counting coins and depositing change to account (30 points) • Program handles closing an account (20 points) • Program loops correctly through main menu and ends the program (20 points) • Program has appropriate comments, including header comments (10 points) • Program follows course coding standard guidelines (10 points) • Program has Unit tests as specified (20 points) • Program handles depositing monthly interest to all accounts (30 points – EXTRA CREDIT)


Final Project for CSC-6301 Introduction to Programming (2022)






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