This is ME, Niranjan Kumar, a Master Graduate from Yeshiva University (Katz School of Science and Health ), New York.
I'm unique blend of expertise in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and a Biomedical Engineer
positions me as a valuable asset in the development of healthcare applications powered by AI. With my deep understanding of both the biological aspects of healthcare and the technical intricacies of AI algorithms, I'm well-equipped to tackle complex challenges and drive innovation in the industry improving myself and wants a platform to grow and excel
Progressing with PASSION and PERSISTENCE!!!!
- 😄 Pronouns: He/His
- 🏆 UC Berkeley Generative AI Hackathon Winner.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning LLM's , Gen AI
- 🔭: I’m currently working on end to end ML projects.
- 💬: Ask me about Machine Learning algorithms. 📊📈🤖🧠
- 🤔 I’m currently open for a new
job opportunity
, this is MY RESUME. - 💥 You can visit MY WEBSITE.
- 📫 How to reach me