Conducting examination and answer sheet evaluation are hectic testing tools for assessing academic achievement, integration of ideas and ability to recall, but are expensive, resource and time consuming to generate question and evaluate response manually. Manual evaluating of answer sheet takes up a significant amount of instructors' valuable time and hence is an expensive process. Also different security concerns regarding paper leakage is one of the other challenges to conquer. This project aims to build an automated examination system using machine learning, natural language toolkit (NLTK), python environment, flask framework, and web technologies to provide an inexpensive alternative to the current examination system. We implement a model to automatically generate questions with their respective answers and assess user responses.
Download or clone the project from github:
$ git clone
Create a project environment (Anaconda recommended):
$ conda create --name envname python
$ conda activate envname
Install NLTK prerequisites:
$ python
>>> import nltk
>>> exit() # after download is complete, exit python
Run project:
$ cd marvin
$ python
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