Yet another parser for wave files. I just like to write my own code🚲.
This library could read 8/16/24/32/64-bit audio with WAVE_FORMAT_PCM (pcm_u8, pcm_s16le, pcm_s32le, pcm_s24le, pcm_s32le, pcm_s64le) format and 32/64-float bit with WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT (pcm_f32le, pcm_f64le).
Main reason for the existence of this library is to support other library.
You could read any media file, but you need to convert it to WAV.
ffmpeg -i some-media-file.raw -sn -vn -c:a pcm_s16le temporary.wav
var parser = new NokitaKaze.WAVParser.WAVParser("input.wav");
Console.WriteLine("Channels count:\t{0}", parser.ChannelCount);
Console.WriteLine("AudioFormat: \t{0}", parser.AudioFormat);
Console.WriteLine("BlockAlign: \t{0}", parser.BlockAlign);
Console.WriteLine("SampleRate: \t{0}Hz", parser.SampleRate);
Console.WriteLine("BitsPerSample: \t{0}", parser.SamplesCount);
Console.WriteLine("Duration: \t{0}", parser.Duration);
foreach (var channelSamples in reReader.Samples)
foreach (var sample in channelSamples)
// Hint: All samples are doubles for double precision processing
Console.Write("{0:F8}, ", sample);
// method 2
Stream stream;
var parser = new NokitaKaze.WAVParser.WAVParser(stream);
// method 3
var rawRiffStream = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes("input.wav");
var parser = new NokitaKaze.WAVParser.WAVParser(byteArray);
// method #1
var byteArray = parser.GetDataAsRiff();
// method #2
// method #3
Stream randomStream = ...;
var rnd = new System.Random.Random();
var parser = new NokitaKaze.WAVParser.WAVParser();
parser.ChannelCount = 1;
parser.Samples = new List<List<double>>() {new List<double>()};
parser.BlockAlign = (ushort) (parser.ChannelCount * parser.BitsPerSample / 8);
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
// random samples to stream
parser.Samples[0].Add(rnd.NextDouble() * 2 - 1);
Public domain:
- Johann Sebastian Bach's "Air on G String" (from Orchestral Suite no. 3) by the USAF Strings (US Air Force Band)
CC BY-SA 3.0 (Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0):
- Antonín Dvořák's "Largo" from ("From the New World", Symphony no. 9 in Em) by Barbara Schubert (DuPage Symphony)