Tutorials, books, videos, resources to help us learn and DIY Open Sources Robot.
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Robot Operating System (ROS) is a set of software libraries and tools that help you build robot applications. From drivers to state-of-the-art algorithms, and with powerful developer tools, ROS has what you need for your next robotics project. And it's all open source.
- ROS TUTORIALS by Tiziano Fiorenzani
- ROS Tutorials for Beginners by The Construct
- ROS kinetic tutorial for beginners by Shawn Chen
- ROS 2 in 5 days (2019-March 14, C++)
- Artificial Intelligence for Robotics (2018-August-29, Python)
- Springer Book on Robot Operating System (ROS): The Complete Reference, Third Volume (Springer, 2018)
- Learning Robotics using Python, Second Editon (2018-June 28, Python, C++)
- Robot Operating System for Absolute Beginners (2018-June 15, Python, C++)
- Robot Operating System Cookbook (2018-June 06, M, Python, C++)
- ROS Programming: Building Powerful Robots (2018-March 03., K, Python)
- Mastering ROS for Robotics Programming - Second Edition (2018-February 02., K, C++)
- ROS Robot Programming (Japanese (2018-3, K, C++) | 简体中文 (2017-12, K, C++) | English (2017-12, K, C++))
- ROS Robotics By Example - Second Edition (2017-12, K, Python)
- ROS PERCEPTION in 5 days (2017-10, I. Python)
- ROS MANIPULATION in 5 days (2017-10, I. Python)
- ROS NAVIGATION in 5 days (2017-10, I. Python)
- A Systematic Approach to Learning Robot Programming with ROS (2017-10, I., C++)
- ROS IN 5 DAYS Book Collection: ROS Basics; ROS Navigation; ROS Manipulation; ROS Perception (2017-09, I. Python)
- ROS Robotics Projects (2017-03, I, Python)
- Effective Robotics Programming with ROS - Third Edition (2016-12, I, Python)
- Mastering ROS for Robotics Programming (2015-12, IJ, C++)
- Programming_Robots_with_ROS, ROS机器人编程实践 (2015-12, I, Python)
- Learning ROS for Robotics Programming secondedition, ROS机器人程序设计 (2015-08, HIJ, C++)
- 机器人操作系统ROS原理与应用
- ROS机器人开发实践 (机器人设计与制作系列)
- ROS机器人项目开发11例 (机器人设计与制作系列)
How do we build a robot? We can learn from the books, YouTube vides, or we can take any of the popular open srouce robot project and follow its steps.