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All Contributors

Tired of having countless different .all-contributorsrc files across your repos, but not one combined one that shows them all in one place?

This tool does just that for you.

Based on the awesome All Contributors Specification.

How it works

  1. Gathers all .all-contributorsrc files from all public repos main branches
  2. Merges the contributors based on unique profile
  3. Combines all contribution categories per contributor

Getting started

npm install
npm link

merge-all-contributors <GitHub_Org_Name>
# e.g. merge-all-contributors openclimatefix

GitHub Action

Instead of using the CLI you can also use this as a GitHub Action.



Required The name of the GitHub organisation to merge contributors for.



The merged array of contributors.

Example Usage

uses: openclimatefix/merge-all-contributors@v1.0.3
  orgName: 'openclimatefix' # replace with your org name

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):


Peter Dudfield
Peter Dudfield

aryan lamba
aryan lamba


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!