Hello to everyone who has been looking for a long time how to do basic actions for your telegram bot! This tutorial will cover the implementation of the basic functions that you need to perform a simple bot.
I assume you already know Java programming language.
If you got here and don't have any idea how to develop a bot, then I recommend starting with Lesson 0 description creating a bot in telegram, namely working with BotFather
In this tutorial I will use next characteristics:
- My home macOS laptop with IntelliJ Idea pre-installed
- Java JDK 18
If you have any suggestions, what lessons you would like to see here, write issue or contact me!
- Lesson 0. Creating a bot description creating a bot in telegram, namely working with BotFather
- Lesson 1. Send messages description of sending the message to the user
- Lesson 2. Reply Keyboard Markups creating buttons in the keyboard field
- Lesson 3. Send Photo sending a photo from a local directory
- Lesson 4. Send Music sending a track from a local directory
- Lesson 5. Save photo/file saving the sent photo or file to a local directory
- Telegram Bot API from the telegram itself
- Java Library to download it to your IDE
- Tutorial from rubenlagus
- Emoji Manager to use all the emojis that are in telegram