Allow to use any old style light switch for home automation systems based on Arduino IDE
This software "hacks" a regular light power switch for automation.
When the system starts the relay is set to OFF, no mater in what position the light switch is. Maybe it was left ON when a power surge happened.
At the first change on this power switch, lights will be powered ON, even if the switch goes to the OPEN position.
This allows, among other things, to use regular light switches on home automation systems, avoiding the need to change the switch to some kind of use mommentary push key.
As it is now integrated to an automation system, you can also use it as a parallel light switch, using several switches in different areas of a room to turn ON or OFF some especific light.
The touch and feel is the same as the old fashion light switches, with all the bennefits that computerized home automation can offer.
By: Angelo Marzolla
****** this is my first contribution for GitHub. If you don't mind, please, send me a note if you like it. Thanks!
Lógica para "enganar" interruptor comum e fazer com que ele seja um acionador de automação de iluminação.
Quando o sistema inicia, os relês ficam DESLIGADOS, não importa a posição em que o interruptor esteja (On ou OFF).
Ao primeiro acionamento, (de ON para OFF ou de OFF para ON) o sistema aciona o relê a que este interruptor esteja ligado.
Isto permite, entre outras coisas, o acionamento de uma luminária em "paralelo". É um emulador.
Além disso, pertite todas as funcções que eua automação tradicional permite.
Evita a necessidade de trocar os interruptores tradicionais por pulsadores.
By: Angelo Marzolla