🌐 中文
SuperBI is an interactive, efficient, flexible, and fast multi-dimensional visual analysis platform.
Key features include:
- Self-service analysis - Business personnel can freely drag and drop data for self-service analysis
- Visualization reports - Quickly build visual reports based on a rich variety of chart types and components
- Second-level queries - Supports second-level queries on massive data from various data sources
- Zero barriers to entry - Simple page interactions, allowing analysts to quickly get started
- Data security - Multi-level data permissions and operation controls for safer data analysis
- Diverse data sources - Supports multiple data sources for associated queries
Official Website,which contains detailed product documentation.
QQ Group: 308705126
TG Group: https://t.me/+Er1LUDQsc4QyM2Q1
The project offers a docker-compose deployment method, integrating MySQL and Redis, without the need for additional installations.
# Clone the repository
$ git clone https://github.com/aopacloud/SuperBI.git
# Enter the project directory
$ cd SuperBI
# Start with docker-compose
$ docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
After the service has started, enter
in the browser to access.
Default username and password: Admin/admin123
The first startup requires database initialization, please wait patiently for 3-5 minutes.
Before compiling from the source, ensure that MySQL
and Redis
are available.
The project's database initialization file is provided in the sql
directory and can be executed in MySQL
mysql> source ${project_dir}/sql/init.sql
Before compiling, modify the MySQL and Redis configuration in the ${project_dir}/backend/super-bi/src/main/resource/bootstrap.yml file.
# MySQL configuration
driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
url: jdbc:mysql://mysql:3306/bdp_super_bi?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8&zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull&useSSL=true&serverTimezone=GMT%2B8
username: root
password: 123456
# redis configuration
host: redis
port: 6379
The backend project uses maven
for compilation. Before compiling, ensure maven
is installed on the machine.
$ cd backend
$ mvn clean package -DskipTest
After compilation, start the backend API server.
$ java -jar super-bi/target/super-bi.jar
The frontend project relies on the NODE environment, please ensure that NODE is correctly installed locally.
cd frontend
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Run
npm run dev
# Build
npm run build
# To build for different environments, run different build commands
npm run build:*
After both frontend and backend projects have been successfully compiled, you can compile your own docker image.
# Enter the docker directory
$ cd docker
# Copy the compiled frontend files to the docker directory
$ cp -r ../frontend/dist-production ./super-bi
# Copy the compiled backend files to the docker directory
$ cp ../backend/super-bi/target/super-bi.jar .
$ docker build -t super-bi:test .
The project provides a one-click compilation script build.sh
, which can directly compile a docker image.
# Compile without docker image
$ sh build.sh
# Compile with docker image
$ sh build.sh docker