If you are a recruiter, looking for an engineer with lots of open source experience; and somehow you've landed here, you will find a few side projects that I've delivered over the years and I'm working at a veerrryy slow pace in polishing them and making them open-source. However my full time job is dedicated to leading/managing people at the moment.
- I'm the proud owner of Easy Code Formatter - packages that support the core app are being made open source, stretched over time. This project is codifying tens of thousands of code snippets every month. For now, you can log issues to the styles repository.
- Easy Code Formatter Styles - styles, fonts etc.. are here. Contribution is welcome.
- Easy Code Formatter Submission - Don't expect this to change much, it's the icons, docs and images repository.
- Easy Addins Utils - is some shared functionality that helps me speed up the addin development.
- Azure Blobs Content Uploader is a GitHub Action that I own - I've developed this for uploading files to multiple Az Blob Storages across regions to support my addins, just like Easy Code Formatter. Now it's made open source and fully available to the world through Github Actions Marketplace.
- Easy QR Code and Barcode Generator - for folks who like to generate stuff in Microsoft Word. Contributions are welcome, I'm willing to sign off on design changes even, it's getting outdated.
- Again - a Chromium extension that I've worked on, not the Protractor Test Generator, but a network interceptor is on it's way to being made public.
So - those are the dev news. If you're here for figuring out what kind of a person am I regarding managing; I'm a big believer in books.
Here's a few recommendations.