I took the StarLeague gold part 2 during the first half of my 7th grade school year. The class was taught by Osman Ay for a couple of hours every week. There would be about 4 problems for homework each week on the topic we just learned about.
This is a submodule in the USACO repository training folder. Every USACO problem that is done here is displayed as a txt file in the USACO repository.
Every week is grouped into topics. Those topics can have one week in it or be huge concepts that span multiple weeks. Each topic folder notes which weeks it covers. In each weeks folder there are:
- Whiteboard notes private: the notes that the teacher writes in class
- Slides private: These are prepared before class and don't necessarily contain solutions to the problems asked.
- Problems folder
- A text (none specialized / latex) version of the questions
- All my solutions to the questions
- A list of the questions -> what USACO exam they are from and what type of problem they are
- The teacher's solutions private (This might not have all answers or even any). There are also topic notes for the notes that I write (they are not encompassing).