Intercept ARP packets on specified network interface and log all activity.
- Install latest version of Go.
- Run:
go build main.go -o arplogger
in the root folder. - Install (optional):
go install .
The following command line flags are available:
Network interface to listen ARP packets.
Store all ARP activity to log file.
Print to console.
Dump all ARP packets.
Dump only new mapping of IP <-> MAC.
Listen on network interface "en0" and print to console only new pairs of IP <-> MAC:
arplogger -interface en0 -console -new
Listen on network interface "en0" and print to console and save to log file, only new pairs of IP <-> MAC:
arplogger -interface en0 -console -log -new
Listen on network interface "en0" and print to console all incoming ARP packets:
arplogger -interface en0 -console -log -all
Listen on network interface "en0" and print to console and log file all incoming ARP packets. Additionally, display new mapping of IP <-> MAC:
arplogger -interface en0 -console -log -all -new