- 🌱 I’m currently enhancing my skills in cybersecurity with a focus on penetration testing and vulnerability analysis.
- 💻 I have hands-on experience with tools like Kali Linux and Metasploit, and I'm adept at identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities in web applications and networks.
- 🛠️ Languages & Technologies:
- JavaScript, Python, C#, HTML, CSS
- React, Node.js, SQL, MongoDB, Java
- 🔒 Cybersecurity Tools:
- Kali Linux, Metasploit, Burp Suite, sqlmap, Hydra
- 🌐 Networking Concepts:
- Firewalls, WAF, VPNs, SIEM
Você pode me contatar pelo e-mail: contatotalitabielecky@gmail.com