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🎆Interactive Online Platform that Visualizes Algorithms from Code
A股量化交易工具和实盘行情,每日收盘更新。最高收益记录一个月翻倍 quant/tradingview/订单流/交易员/股票/量化交易/行情api/lv2行情/全球指数/同花顺/雪球/淘股吧/知乎/券商下单接口/高频交易/通达信/股市股票财经/比特币外汇期货/EA/量价指标k线图/理财盈利收益阶级跨越/股市大盘板块轮动/融券私募求职裘慧明高频交易实盘/李嘉诚柏拉图乔布斯比尔盖茨贝聿铭洛克菲勒索罗斯
A industrial high-performance High Frequency Trading System by C++11, support CTP, Femas and so on. 基于C++11开发的量化交易平台,可实现CTP、飞马等平台的高频交易策略。
A tool to dump MSVC compiler metadata for virtual classes/structs
Command-line tool for measuring process memory similar to the SysInternals tool of the same name. Includes the ability to summarise multiple processes and compare groups by process name, similar to…
Simple GDB Plugin to list offsets of the members of struct/classes in C/C++
GDB Pretty-Printer Plugin for the Boost Library
ret-sync is a set of plugins that helps to synchronize a debugging session (WinDbg/GDB/LLDB/OllyDbg2/x64dbg) with IDA/Ghidra/Binary Ninja disassemblers.
A rust library for controlling interactive programs in a pseudo-terminal
Tmux plugin for copying to system clipboard. Works on OSX, Linux and Cygwin.
C++ library to interact with iTerm2 using protobufs and WebSockets
A server that relays messages sent amongst a collection of Web Sockets.
An ELF loader capable of manually loading ELF executables directly from memory into a new process, without the use of exec.
gdb python extension for parsing debug symbol in the elf